Ash gourd is an annual vining plant. Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) is the correct name for this plant, which is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. For its useful and nutritious fruit, which resembles a melon, the plant is widely praised. The countries of South East Asia (including India, Myanmar, Japan, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, and Taiwan) all have the right conditions for growing ash gourds thanks to their warm, humid tropical climates.
The ash gourd fruit, also known as a wax gourd, gets its name from the color of its skin, which is ash, and the waxy shine on its skin. It’s commonly known as the “winter melon because its harvest time is in the dead of winter. Ash gourd, or ‘Kushmanda’ in Sanskrit, was regarded as having medicinal virtues in ancient Ayurvedic preparations.
Ash Gourd fruit is commonly known as “Safed Pethe” in Hindi. The ripe ash gourd fruit is also used to make the most well-known sweet, ‘Agra ka Petha,’ which is then soaked in sugar syrup. You may also know ash gourd by one of its many alternative names, such as Donggua (in Chinese), Beligo (in Indonesian), White gourd (in English), White pumpkin (in American English), Ash pumpkin (in British English), etc.

The nutritional content of ash gourd juice is as follows:
Flavonoids, proteins, vitamins, carotenes, minerals, volatile oils, and so on are only some of the vital ingredients found in ash gourd fruit, which are extracted and concentrated to create a nutritious juice. Ninety-six percent of an ash gourd is water, with the remaining nutrients listed below;
Nutrient Components | Value/100 grams |
Calcium | 30 mg |
Protein | 12 g |
Carbohydrate | 3.96 g |
Zinc | 0.6 mg |
Vitamin C | 17.2 mg |
Iron | 11.8 mg |
Vitamins B1 | 0.04 mg |
Fibre | 2.9 g |
Vitamin B2 | 0.145 mg |
Vitamin B3 | 0.528 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.046 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.176 mg |
Ash gourd, also known as winter melon or white pumpkin, is a fruit that is widely used in traditional medicine in Asia for its health benefits. Here are some of the health-related properties of ash gourd fruits:
Rich in Nutrients:
Ash gourd is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It contains vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, and iron. These nutrients are essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases.
Low in Calories:
Ash gourd is a low-calorie fruit, which makes it an ideal choice for people who are trying to lose weight. It is also low in fat and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy food.
Ash gourd has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This makes it an effective natural remedy for conditions such as arthritis and gout.
Ash gourd contains compounds that have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. These compounds can help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.
Ash gourd has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat diabetes. Studies have shown that ash gourd extract can help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes.
Digestive Health:
Ash gourd is rich in dietary fiber, which can help promote digestive health. It can also help prevent constipation and other digestive disorders.
Cooling Effect:
Ash gourd has a cooling effect on the body, making it an effective remedy for heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke and dehydration. It can also help reduce fever and inflammation.
Managing weight loss:
The numerous qualities of ash gourd juice may be of assistance in the process of managing weight loss. As is well known, ash gourd juice is low in both calories and fats; as a result, it may be of assistance to individuals who are attempting to reduce their body mass.
Reduce serum cholesterol:
Ash gourd juice has been shown to have qualities that assist reduce serum cholesterol and lipid levels, and it also has a high amount of dietary fiber.
treatment of ulcers:
Those who suffer from peptic ulcers may stand to profit from the medicinal properties of juice extracted from ash gourds. To make ash gourd juice, shred the fruit and combine the shredded pieces with water in a blender. Peptic ulcers may benefit from having ash gourd juice consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Great for skin health:
Ash gourd juice has qualities that are beneficial to the skin, which is one of the reasons for its large-scale use in the cosmetic and skin cream industry. The face cream that is made from fruit extract has the potential to be beneficial and efficient in halting the natural aging process of the skin by delaying the breakdown of skin cells.
Lesser known benefits of Ash gourd
The juice of an ash gourd may be beneficial in cases of food poisoning. It is possible that it will help with uncomfortable urination (also known as dysuria) and relieve the pain in the delicate portions of the body.
It’s possible that it could alleviate symptoms of things like the common cold, fever, cough, sinusitis, and so on.
It’s possible that drinking juice made from ash gourds could help ease constipation, reduce inflammation in the stomach, and generally improve the digestive system’s ability to do its job.
A variety of brain-related conditions, including seizures and insanity, can be helped by drinking ash fruit juice, which is a very pleasant beverage (mental illness).
It is possible that ash gourd has antacid activity; it may be helpful in maintaining the pH of the body and the acid levels in the stomach by regulating the acidity built up by specific foods such as soft drinks and fried food. Ash gourd is also known as ash gourd.
Both a laxative (to relieve constipation) and a diuretic can be derived from the consumption of ash gourd fruits (increases urine production).
When treating iron deficiency, mixing fruit pulp with sugar can be helpful. According to Ayurveda Texts, When combined with ghee, the advantages of ash gourd juice may become even more pronounced. This combination has the potential to improve a person’s IQ as well as their voice and speaking.
Some indigenous studies state that the oil you get when you boil the powdered seeds in coconut oil could be beneficial for treating baldness, dandruff, and headaches.

How to Utilize the Juice from the Ash Gourd?
The juice of the ash gourd includes a substantial amount of nutrients that are necessary for sustaining excellent health.
The following are some of the applications that can be made of it:
The fruit of the ash gourd can be consumed raw, similar to a cucumber, or it can be prepared with meat. It is possible to incorporate it into the preparation of ice cream, jams, sauces, beverages, and desserts.
The pulp of the fruit is used to make chutney and herbal gruel. Deep-fried ash gourd stems can be consumed in the same manner as papadums or chips.
It is best to consult a trained medical professional prior to taking any ash gourd products, including fruit or juice. They are the most qualified to give you instructions on how to utilize it properly and will do so.
The unripe fruit, after being peeled, can be cooked in a variety of ways, including stir-frying, braising, or steaming; it can also be used in the preparation of meals with spices.
Petha, a type of sweet candy, and nuggets can also be made from the fruit of the ash gourd (Bari).
Ash gourd juice can have the following adverse effects:
The following is a list of the adverse effects caused by ash guard juice:
The ability of the body to absorb nutrients may be hindered by the presence of anti-nutritional substances in ash gourds, such as oxalate, phytates, and other compounds. Ash gourd juice consumption has been associated with a higher likelihood of calcium deposition, which can lead to kidney stones.
Some toxicological tests conducted on animals point to the possibility that ash gourd juice is harmless and may not have any unfavorable effects at all.
But, if you do suffer any adverse response, you should consult a health consultant or your family physician as soon as possible in order to receive the necessary therapy.
Caution Should Be Exercised While Consuming Ash Gourd Juice:
The ash gourd vegetable is thought to be harmless if it is consumed in small amounts. However, when consuming ash gourd juice, certain safety precautions need to be observed.
As a result, persons who suffer from kidney difficulties should cut back on the amount of ash gourd juice they consume.
There is not enough information currently available to determine whether or not it is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to consume ash gourd juice. Because of this, it is absolutely necessary to consult with your family physician, or an ayurveda specialist, prior to ingesting it in the form of a herb.
In conclusion
Ash gourd is a nutritious fruit with many health-related properties. It is an excellent addition to a healthy diet and can help prevent and treat a wide range of health conditions. When administering the juice of the ash gourd to young children or adults of advanced age, additional vigilance is required.
We strongly suggest that you seek the advice of a doctor who can provide you with information regarding a more secure dosage form.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only, and no medical advice should be inferred from it. Before changing your diet or adding supplements, please talk to your doctor.
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