Nurturing Commitment: How to Quash the Urge for Premarital and Extramarital Affairs

Premarital and extramarital affairs, or simply put, infidelity, have long been a challenging issue in relationships, casting a shadow of doubt and pain on the very foundation of trust and…

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Exploring the Complex Realities of Frotteuristic disorder: The Shadows of Non-Consensual Burning Desires

Did you know that frotteuristic disorder, quite commonly known as frotteurism, is one of several paraphilias characterized by abnormally stimulating sexual behaviors? Nonconsensual sexual contact refers to the deliberate act…

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Unlocking the Mind: Navigating the Complexities of Dhat Syndrome and Beyond

Did you know that the Dhat syndrome is a culture-bound somatic syndrome primarily observed in South Asian countries, including India, Nepal, and Bangladesh? It has been observed that in closely…

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Embarrassing Menace of Pruritus Scroti: A Growing Boy’s Silent Struggle

Pruritus scroti, commonly known as scrotal itching, is a condition that has increasingly become a menace among growing boys. Did you know that the scrotum, the pouch of skin that…

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Shocker: Research Presents Shockwave Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction. Can We Trust It? Does It Really Work?

When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction (ED), shockwave therapy is just one option among many. Even though the FDA hasn't given its blessing to this pill-free treatment, the science…

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The Benefits and Popularity of Condoms: The Most Widely Used Contraceptive Worldwide

Condoms are a type of barrier contraceptive used during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).  In order to prevent the spread of…

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Trapped: The Painful Truth About Phimosis and Its Hidden Dangers

Phimosis is the medical term for the condition in which the foreskin does not get retracted on its own or even sometimes with the application of external pressure or force.…

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