Fundamentals And Importance Of ” Ekadashi” -The Hindu Tradition.

In Sanskrit, the eleventh day of two fortnights of the waxing and waning Moon, in the lunar month, is known as Ekadashi. It is paramount to know the fundamentals and…

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Meditation Is No Luxury. It Is A Necessity In Today’s Chaotic World.

Why Meditation? For thousands of years, people have been meditating. Meditation was created to aid in the comprehension of life's sacred and mystical powers. It is widely utilised these days…

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Why One Should Wear Rudraksha And How It Benefits Us

Let us understand Why one should wear Rudraksha and its linkage to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva has a distinct appearance. He is presented with natural ornamentation. His neck is wrapped…

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Subtle Bodies-The Importance And Consequences Of Subtle Body

The subtle body is characterised in the Bhagavad Gita as a combination of the mind, intellect, and ego, and it is the subtle body that controls the bodily. The yogi…

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