Stop Your Skin From Aging, Your Skin Needs Care To Remain Wrinkles Free!

Wrinkles are ridges or creases in the skin. They're also known as rhytides, and they're wrinkles on the skin caused by a lack of moisture and suppleness. Everyone develops wrinkles…

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The Rise, Fall and The Return Of Taliban- The US Blunder.

For generations, the Taliban has returned and taken over the entire country. They have been a part of Kandahar's 'Quran Belt,' literally meaning "students of Islam' or seekers of knowledge.'…

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World’s Most Exotic Locations, Can’t Be Missed Out On Next Vacation (Part -2)

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of "World's Most Exotic Locations You Can't Miss On Your Next Vacation," which was published just a few days ago on the Eastside Writers…

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Know All About Euthanasia And Its Controversies (Indian Perspective)

Since its inception, the concept of euthanasia has been a source of contention. The term 'Euthanasia' is derived from the Greek words 'Eu' for 'good' and 'Thanatos for 'death'; when…

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