Fundamentals And Importance Of ” Ekadashi” -The Hindu Tradition.

In Sanskrit, the eleventh day of two fortnights of the waxing and waning Moon, in the lunar month, is known as Ekadashi. It is paramount to know the fundamentals and…

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The Different Stages Of One’s Life In Indian Ashram And Its Significance

What is an Ashram: The term "ashram" is derived from the verb root "श्रम्", which means "to strive hard or exert effort." It is the second most important Hindu social…

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The Principles and Importance of India’s Most Prominent Vastu Shastra Art

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings that aids in the creation of a pleasant environment or a place to live and work in a scientific…

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How to Reduce Your Karmic Bondage Through Kriya Yoga: A Path Toward Moksha

Karmic bondage is the accumulation of past actions, thoughts, and desires that bind us to the cycle of birth and rebirth, or samsara. Every action, thought, and intention leaves a…

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Indian Ashram Gives What Best Business Schools Fail To Offer: The True Formula for Success and Peace of Mind

In today’s world, success is often equated with wealth, power, and influence, and business schools have become synonymous with cultivating the next generation of high-flying entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Yet,…

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