What Are Sattvic, Rajasic, And Tamasic Foods And Their Significance To Our Health

The three gunas, which are broadly explained in Ayurveda, are rajasic, tamasic, and sattvic. Ayurveda divides foods into different groups based on how they affect a person as a whole.…

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Ayurvedic Tips On How to Take Care of Arthritis without Painkillers

Whenever there is inflammation in a joint, we call it arthritis. Pain and stiffness are the most prominent indicators. Arthritis is typically a degenerative condition that comes with advanced age.…

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The Multiple Benefits Of Safed Musli In Maintaining Health And Boosting Energy

Chlorophytum borivilianum (Liliaceae), which is rare in its native India, has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. The word "safed musli," which translates to "white tubers" in Hindi,…

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Male Body Parts Sought After By Women- Men Flaunts, Women Adores.

The 20 Most Male Body Parts Sought After By Women. Our body parts convey volumes without speaking. For a long time, men have openly spoken about what they appreciate about…

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Astounding Benefits Of Wearing Black Thread On Feet

Black thread on the foot is a custom that dates back to our culture's early days. As the scriptures attest, there is power in donning a black thread. Particularly when…

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The 14 Best Artificial jewelry Brands That Will Make You Look Awesome And Gorgeous

Jewelry, particularly artificial jewelry, has been an important part of American culture and a must-have for every woman for hundreds of years. One stunning piece of jewelry may do wonders…

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