Ferula Asafoetida (Hing) The King Of Spice and The Traditional Indian Medicine

Ferula Asafoetida (Hing) The King Of Spice and The Traditional Indian Medicine Introduction Ferula Asafoetida (Hing) The King Of Spice and The Traditional Indian Medicine is a very common name…

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Yoga – The Vedic Philosophy, Structure And The Inner Engineering

Yoga is a spiritual discipline based on a highly subtle science that focuses on bringing mind and body into harmony. It is both an art and science of living a…

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Why One Should Wear Rudraksha And How It Benefits Us

Let us understand Why one should wear Rudraksha and its linkage to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva has a distinct appearance. He is presented with natural ornamentation. His neck is wrapped…

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Know All About Euthanasia And Its Controversies (Indian Perspective)

Since its inception, the concept of euthanasia has been a source of contention. The term 'Euthanasia' is derived from the Greek words 'Eu' for 'good' and 'Thanatos for 'death'; when…

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