The Importance Of the Last and Final Moment Of One’s Life And Its Consequences
![Sadhguru says about the last and final moments](
We are all aware that we shall die at some point. But we cling to the notion of “someday,” anticipating it to be a long time away. Young individuals, understandably, attempt to avoid thinking about mortality; nevertheless, this is also true of older people, and maybe more so as we become older and move towards our last and final moments.
However, the truth of life is that it might end at any time. Death is always a possibility, whether it comes from an earthquake, an accident, or a sudden disease. We simply choose to overlook it.
Death is the one certainty in life. That is why it is critical that we begin collecting the riches of the heart that will last forever as soon as possible. Despite this, the vast majority of people put off doing the most important thing in their lives. of all chores or postpone it until a later date.
Nothing is more significant than the “one great subject of life and death,” as Buddhism refers to it. Everything else pales in comparison to this vital matter—a truth that becomes painfully obvious at the moment of death.
“In their dying days, it seems that people commonly recall their life as though staring over a large landscape,” says someone who has been at the bedside of many in their final moments. What appears to stick out are not things like having headed a firm or performed well in business, but rather how they have lived their lives, who they have loved, been kind to, and who they have wounded. All of their deepest feelings—the feeling of having been abandoned—were repressed As they approach death, feelings like being faithful to their convictions and living a fulfilling life, or severe regrets about betraying others, rush over them.”
Our lives are full of uncertainties, isn’t it? As you are all aware, accidents keep happening. Life takes on more meaning when we are aware of death. Awakening to the truth of death inspires us to seek the eternal and make the most of each moment.
What if death didn’t exist? Life would just go on and on, and it would most likely become unbearably monotonous.
Death makes us appreciate the current moment. Death is believed to be ignored or denied in modern civilisation. It’s no surprise that it’s also a culture defined by the unbridled pursuit of one’s desires. A community or civilisation that, like a person, attempts to avoid the negative consequences of its actions As they approach death, feelings like being faithful to their convictions and living a fulfilling life, or severe regrets about betraying others, rush over them.”
As it fails to look beyond living for the time, the fundamental question of life and death will slip into spiritual decay.
![Hindu death rituals for last and final moments](
Using the dying method
It takes something to be alert enough to say what you want to say when the moment of death arrives. The majority of individuals die in silence. If someone is dying in this culture, they will always begin chanting “Ram Naam Satya Hai,” “Aum Namah Shivaya,” or anything they know, since they want the dying person to pronounce a god’s name or become aware in the last and final moments. You are not required to mention anything.
Mukti is achieved when you can keep your awareness in the present moment while changing from one level of existence to another, from the physical to the spiritual. However, you must train awareness for a lifetime in order to achieve consciousness in that instant. Alternatively, you must be in the presence of someone who can assist you. In that context, Krishna indicated that if you can think of him when you’re dying, he’ll be there to see you through.
Sadhguru – a profound mystic of the present times, discusses an inner truth – the yoga of achieving the Absolute – in this passage. When it comes to achieving the Absolute, you can be certain that if you do the correct things, it will succeed because the only component is you – and nothing else. As a result, he could confidently state, “If you do this, I will take care of it.” He would never have said such a thing about exterior facts since he knew life – external realities are subject to so many variables.
You can achieve it if you can keep your awareness during the shift from the physical to the spiritual realm. As a result, for the vast majority of people, the moment of realisation and the moment of departure from the body are the same. You will depart the body even if consciousness occurs while you are leaving it. Even if it is not yet time to leave your body, but your consciousness has reached a point where you and your body are clearly separated, you will most likely lack the ability to hold on to it unless you are in situations where specific control mechanisms are in place to ensure you do not slip out.
Future births and the time of death
![Death Celebration or last and final celebration for somebody](
If you’re looking for a unique way to express yourself, this is the place to be.
If you have a certain thought as you die, it becomes the character of your subsequent birth. That is why we have always said in this culture that you should not die in your family. This is Vanaprastha, where people used to go to die in the forest.
But what if you blew these ten million and lost everything? If the banker shows up, you’ll be terrified. You’ll strive to conceal yourself. You’ll attempt so many different tricks. Likewise, Earth provided you with this loan. When Mother Earth says it’s time to pay back the loan, you’ll gladly give it back if you’ve made this a blessed life, if you’ve put it to absolute use and lived in the wonderful sweetness within yourself. And there isn’t even a glimmer of hope. It’s over for the person who repays the debt gladly, because being aware comes naturally when you’re happy. You are on the road to emancipation when you are aware. Certainly, the quality of your last moments will become a big quality of yours.
Another point to consider is that the quality of your future birth is determined by the thoughts you have at the time of death. We must provide a tranquil and comfortable environment for people as they die because whatever dominates their minds and emotions in the final moments will determine the quality of their future lives. That is why we have always said in this culture that you should not die in your family.
This is Vanaprastha, where people used to go to die in the forest. After the Kurukshetra conflict, even Emperor Dhritarashtra, his queen Gandhari, and Kunti withdrew into the forest, with just Sanjaya as an attendant. They had all grown elderly and decided to die in the wilderness rather than in the palace. Dhritarashtra was blind and foolish in many ways, but he had a level of understanding that is lacking in today’s culture. Kunti, who had faced adversity throughout her life, could have relished the fact that her children had become emperors.
As a result, they proceeded into the woods and up a very steep slope. A forest fire had broken out. They couldn’t run or fight the forest fire since they were too old, so they chose to offer themselves to it. “You have served me well up to this point, but you are still a young man – go-go,” Dhritarashtra ordered Sanjaya. “The three of us are going to throw ourselves into the fire.” Sanjaya refused to leave them, and the forest fire consumed them all.
If you die in your family, you will die with a strong sense of attachment, which will not bring you happiness in the future. You may be aware that people still travel to Kashi in India to die because it is a sacred site. Many believe they may be able to get rid of reincarnation if death happens on a sacred site.
![Sadhguru meditating in the cremation ground](
It’s now or never to repay.
Life’s only certainty is death. Death is not a bad thing if you have lived a good life. If you were alive and experienced uncertainty, fear, wrath, or anger at every turn, you were never alive. It’s no good if you desire to live when death comes. What, after all, is death? You’re getting rid of your body. Mother Earth gave you the body as a loan. If you take a ten-million-dollar loan from the bank and turn it into a ten-billion-dollar loan over the next 50 years, when your banker comes to collect the debt, you will happily repay him with interest. You’ll pamper him and shower him with gifts. But what if you spent these ten million dollars and lost everything?
But what if you blew these ten million and lost everything? If the banker shows up, you’ll be terrified. You’ll strive to conceal yourself. You’ll attempt so many different tricks. Likewise, the Earth provided you with this loan. When Mother Earth says it’s time to pay back the loan, you’ll gladly give it back if you’ve made this a blessed life, if you’ve put it to absolute use and lived in the wonderful sweetness within yourself. And there isn’t even a glimmer of hope. It’s over for the person who repays the debt gladly because being aware comes naturally when you’re happy. You are on the road to emancipation when you are aware of your last and final moments.
Certainly, the quality of your last moments will become a major quality of your future lives – assuming you want future lives. There is no future life if you want to dissolve into the Ultimate if you want to become one with it. “Sadhguru, don’t use this nasty rhetoric — it scares us,” people have told me. “Are we going to disintegrate and vanish?” in our last and final moments. However, we could say instead.”When you achieve Mukti, you will become everything,”.
According to Osho, keeping quiet, becoming respectful, and keeping an eye on everything is the key element.
‘First and foremost, you must be respectful of death because it is not an ordinary occurrence; it is the most amazing occurrence in the universe.’ Death is the most mysterious thing in the world. Death goes to the very core of existence and moves on hallowed ground when a man is dead. It’s the holiest moment imaginable. No, regular curiosity is not permitted. They are inconsiderate.
‘You must remain silent.’ If you can keep your mouth shut when death approaches, you will notice a lot of things, because death is more than just a person stopping breathing. A lot of things are going on. When a person dies, his aura begins to fade. If you remain silent, you will be able to feel it– an energy force, a vital energy field that is subsiding and returning to its source…. When it reaches the navel, it transforms into concentrated energy or light. You can sense it and feel a tug if you are silent. Though you sit near a dead guy, you will feel as if a gentle breeze is flowing towards him and you are being drawn towards him. The deceased man is contracting his entire existence, his entire “field.”‘
![end of life and last and final moments](
Becoming aware of one’s own consciousness
When you’re with a friend or a relative who’s dying, Osho says, help them realise they’re not the physical body – which is quite easy for a dying person to do – and that they’re pure freedom and pure consciousness.
This is the time to make the dying individual completely aware of death – “so intensely and flawlessly aware that pure consciousness is experienced.” There will be no death for the dying individual when he or she realises that the body is dying but that he or she is apart from that experience even in his or her life’s last and final moments.
Observing one’s breath
‘Lying down on the bed or simply sitting by their side is one of the easiest methods for a dying person to meditate.’ Place your hand on the person’s head and relax into a meditative state.
‘You can explain to the other that all they need to do is keep an eye on their breath – both in and out.’ They will become aware that they are neither the body nor the breathing if they are able to do so. They are the ones who are keeping an eye on you.
‘If you can help the dying person watch in their final days or hours, that will be the best present you can give them because she will be able to leave in perfect stillness, utter calm and collectedness – and that is the actual gift.’
Our tranquillity and silence will be communicated and transmitted. You have performed a wonderful and moral act if you can assist the individual in dying softly and quietly. You may feel weak, tired, or exhausted, but there is nothing to worry about; with a little rest, you will be fine.
Pass on Your Energy as Gift to the Dieing Soul
The main idea is that if you love someone if you have a feeling for them, you can invest your energy in them. This is the one and only time you will be able to give him a present; you will not be able to do so again. There is no finer present than this because it has the potential to transform his entire future path.
Tell him to unwind. Allow death to grip him, tell him. Tell him to welcome death; tell him to think of death as a friend rather than a foe.
The only way to say goodbye to someone who is dying is to be as happy as you can be by his side. The individual is in desperate need of some illumination. The man is about to embark on a lengthy journey, and he needs people to bid him farewell. Let there be light, let there be music, let there be joy. Sing songs, be loving and give him the impression that he is entering a new phase of life — death is just a door. Only old clothing is being discarded, and he will receive newer clothing. You’ve definitely helped him in his last and final moments if he can laugh now. Stay by his side and assist him in any way you can.
Be kind to others.
These moments have the potential to be life-changing. So go ahead and love! We have nothing except love. Everything else is meaningless because it comes from the outside; only love comes from within. We can give money, things, and presents for everything else… We didn’t bring them with us; instead, we gathered them here. We arrive naked, but with a heart full of love. We arrive devoid of all else, yet filled with love.
So we only give our love when we give it. That is the true gift, and it can only be given when death stands in the way. As a result, never overlook the possibility.
Death presents a wonderful chance. It reintroduces you to your wellspring of love. So be in her presence and provide her your love energy. If she dies, she will do so in a big loving place; if she lives, she will be reborn as a new being. It’s excellent in either case. Death is irrelevant; all that matters is love.
So be loving….because there is no death when there is love. Who gives a damn about death? It is possible to die laughing! If one knows that one is loved, death can be a joyous occasion even in the last and final moments.
![Dead Body lying at last and final time in home](
You have aided your buddy, your mother, your father, your brother, your wife, and your spouse if you can turn a death into a moment of joy. You have bestowed the greatest gift onto them.
This life” will come to an end when you retire.
After a child is born, parents and relatives attentively examine the newborn and frequently remark, “the child has grown since I last saw her.” If we take a step back and look at the issue objectively, we may discover that we have a wrong perception of reality. Anyone born in this world can only shrink and not grow! This statement needs some clarification as it sounds counter‐intuitive. Think of somebody who lived for 100 years. This would mean that on the day the person was born, he/she was left with 36,525 days of life. On the next day, he/she had only 36,524 days to live and so on. Viewed in this manner, the proverbial growing is indeed shrinking only.
Although it may appear depressing at first, the fact of life is that everyone born on this planet must leave one day and must pass through the last and final moments. Despite this harsh reality, no one likes to think about dying, even during their last and final moments. More so, nobody wants to think about one’s own dying moments. We either \ assume that we have no wherewithal to think or we are paranoid about this. As a result, it looks like the wisest course of action is to sweep it under the rug and hope that it will be forgotten. Avoiding this subject matter is a response arising out of being sentimental and emotional.
Leave Fear Behind
However, it is not a sensible idea at all as this possibility is going to eventually appear on our horizon. On the other hand, if we understand the issues better and prepare ourselves for them, the fear will be replaced with clarity and the life that we are living will become more \focused and purposeful. Shri Krishna has a series of slokas in Chapter 8 of Shri Shri Bhagawat Geeta to bestow us with this understanding. The Importance of a Person’s Final Moments
Shri Krishna wants to first establish the importance of thinking of one’s final moments. It clarifies this point in another śloka. Shri Krishna says that such of those (yaḥ) who even in their final moments (anta‐kāle ca) give up their body (muktvā kalevaram) thinking of me alone (mām eva smaran) and leave this world (prayāti), such a person (saḥ) reaches unto me (madbhāvaṃ yāti). To make it unambiguous he says there is no doubt in this (nāstyatra saṃśayaḥ).
अन्तकालेच मामेव Îमरन्मुक्त्वा कलेवरç ।
यः Ģयाित स मnjावंयाित नाÎत्यतर् संशयः ॥ 8.05
anta‐kāle ca mām‐eva smaran‐muktvā kalevaram,
yaḥ prayāti sa madbhāvaṃ yāti nāstyatra saṃśayaḥ.
There are two aspects to be noticed in this statement. First is the use of the term “even in \sthe final moments”. By this, we are able to infer that thinking of God can be a habit for \sa person and therefore, it may have been a natural thought that might crop up in the last \smoments of one’s life. The other is the assurance by Shri Krishna by dispelling any doubts \sthat we may have
Getting ready for the Ultimate
The slokas above indicate a significant implication for us. Invariably, the topics that we frequently think about in our minds will return to mind during the closing moments. Only those thoughts that are continually in our minds have a better chance of being remembered in the end. As a result, it necessitates the purposeful and ongoing training of particular types of ideas. The environment in which we live, the context in which we live, the company we maintain, the people we encounter, the difficulties we face, and the way we deal with them all influence the ideas we have. To put it another way, our preferred way of life and priorities along with our mental process will be substantially influenced by our values and priorities. These are issues to which we must pay close attention. This also stands true during the last and final moments of our life.
![Carrying Dead Body In Planquin at Last and Final time](
Positive psychology is a term used in current jargon to describe how we might think healthy thoughts. It is mostly used to foster personal happiness and optimism. However, there is more that is required. It’s about having a constant sense of divinity. One way to do this is to look for divinity in all we encounter and experience in life.
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Originally posted 2021-11-16 05:41:55.
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