Putting together a written pitch on a specific topic is what’s meant by the term “proposal writing.” In order to write an effective proposal, you need to put a lot of thinking into it, know your target inside and out, and use creative writing to convince the reader. Do you remember the time in school when you had to write an argumentative essay? A proposal is an expanded and more detailed form of a business plan, which is typically written with the intention of winning a contract or a project.
Continue reading this article to learn everything you need to know about creating a proposal.
Which kinds of propositions are there to choose from?
There are many different formats for proposals. In order to accomplish the goals of this piece, our primary focus will be on material concerning company proposals and grant applications. For your convenience, we have provided examples of a few other popular categories below.
Business proposals
When most people talk about proposal writing, they are almost always referring to business proposals, which are sometimes sometimes referred to as sales proposals. Business proposals are formal presentations that organisations make to prospective customers or clients in order to sell their goods or services. A business proposal is a written sales pitch that explains why the company in question is the most qualified to address a problem that is being experienced by the client.
There are a few various ways that you can request these suggestions and hand them in as well. When it comes to less significant projects, a client may merely request that the company provide them with a proposal for evaluation. This is typically done through the use of a cloud-based platform or in the form of a PDF. The solicitation of competitive bids is typically required for larger projects and contracts, and we will outline this process in greater detail below.
Grant Proposals
In order for organisations to be considered for grant money, they are typically needed to write and submit grant proposals. In this kind of proposal, the group, which is often a nonprofit, will describe its objective, the problem that they are attempting to solve, and the way in which they intend to spend the grant. Grant submissions typically request financial support for a particular project.
Investor Proposals
The formal proposals and business plans that companies submit to investors in order to secure investment capital are known as investor proposals. This can include startups who are seeking capital as well as small firms that are seeking a business loan from a financial institution. Investor proposals ought to include the problem that they are attempting to solve, an explanation of why the proposers are more competent than anyone else to do so, and an outline of the potential benefits for the investor (typically in the form of financial returns). Inclusion of expected income targets as well as growth goals is another recommended best practise.
Proposals for internal work on the project
In certain companies, staff are required to present a project proposal prior to beginning work on new projects. This type of proposal is handled on an internal level, which differentiates it from the proposals described before in this section. Despite this, the same ideas are still relevant. When submitting ideas for internal projects, you should describe the problem, offer a solution to the problem, and explain why you are competent to manage the project.
You will need to make the benefits of this endeavour very evident to the audience. There may be an increase in revenue, greater profit margins, streamlined operations, increased customer happiness, improved employee satisfaction, and other benefits.
When do corporations submit proposals?
There are primarily three ways for businesses to produce and submit proposals. These include in response to formal RFPs, in response to an informal request, and unsolicited bids.
Proposals that Have Been Formally Solicited and Competed For (RFP/RFI/RFQ)
For people who have never gone through it before, the official RFP process can be very stressful and intimidating. During this phase of the process, a firm or organisation will issue a formal Request for Proposal (RFP), in which they will ask other businesses to submit their proposals for the opportunity. When it comes to grants, this means to really be awarded the grant. In the case of business ventures intended to generate a profit, the goal is often to secure a deal to sell the company’s wares or services.
Proposals (RFPs),where different organisations involved
When responding to requests for proposals (RFPs), there are generally a number of different organisations involved, as well as stringent rules for submission and review. It is common knowledge that responding to requests for proposals issued by the government is famously challenging, but plenty of other organisations also issue RFPs with a variety of forms and requirements.
Understanding Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
Depending on the kind of businesses that you service, the initial step of finding RFPs may not be easy. Typically, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are distributed to a small number of qualified bidders, many of whom had previously participated in the Request for Information phase, during which businesses were asked to supply information about their offerings but not an official proposal with pricing.
There are a few locations online where request for proposals (RFPs) can be found, particularly government RFPs. In general, it is best to try to speak with a client before they reach the RFP phase so that you have a better understanding of their goals and can tailor your proposals accordingly. If this is not possible, the next best thing is to try to speak with the client after they have reached the RFP phase.
When corporations don’t have to submit responses to requests for proposals (RFP), informal bids are created. These are often less ambitious endeavours (those costing less than $100,000), and therefore are not necessarily open to competition. For instance, during a sales interaction with a possible client, they may ask you to produce a proposal outlining what it is that you are capable of doing for them. At this time, they could be reviewing other companies, but since it’s not a complete formal RFP process, the standards will be less stringent. It’s possible that they could be evaluating other companies.
Unsolicited Proposal
Unsolicited proposals are those that are submitted without being asked for them and are not in response to either a formal RFP or an informal request. You might send a proposal for your company’s services along with an explanation of what you do if your business offers a suggestion or solution that could be of assistance to the prospective customer.
Writing a proposal entails what exactly?
Since you now know when businesses create and send in proposals, we can go on to discussing the proposal writing process. Writing a proposal describes the procedure that businesses go through in order to generate their proposals. The Shipley method is considered the industry standard for official responses to RFPs and should be used whenever possible. This encompasses everything from the building of business relationships to the formal awarding of contracts.

Role of Proposal Manager
A proposal professional, also known as a proposal writer or a proposal manager, will, in the process of writing a proposal, identify the major requirements of the proposal, establish or advise on a strategy to win, and provide content to fulfill all of the components of the proposal. Participants from a wide variety of departments, including sales, marketing, legal, product development, and finance, are required to participate in the process of creating the proposal. A winning proposal incorporates the feedback of all of these stakeholders and offers an engaging tale that is tailored to address the particular difficulties and requirements of the customer.
Which types of businesses develop proposals?
Almost every business that sells to other businesses will, at some point, write up a proposal. When applying for grant funding, proposals are also created by groups that are not-for-profit. In the B2B sector, formal requests for proposals (RFPs) are most likely to be submitted by businesses in the public sector, the healthcare industry, and the educational sector. When seeking larger contracts, private entities are required to issue official requests for proposals as well.
For large contracts, it is likely that you will be required to respond to a formal request for proposal (RFP) if you provide consulting services, administrative services, marketing support, advertising management, construction services, architecture services, technology products or services, legal services, or accounting services. This list is not comprehensive, and it is essential that you create a strategy for your proposal before you begin actively responding to an RFP.
You may approach Eastside Writers for all your business proposal writing needs.
Why do businesses want assistance while developing proposals?
In businesses of a smaller size, the sales team will frequently be the one to write the proposals. This is probably the Chief Executive Officer or one of the partners who is responsible for bringing in new customers. It might make sense for the company, taking into consideration its requirements, to bring in an expert on proposals to assist with the writing of proposals, freeing up time, or providing advice on strategy. If you need assistance with writing a proposal, you have two options: either hire an employee or collaborate with a firm that provides proposal writing services.
Employees responsible for writing proposals
If you are required to react to a significant number of proposals (more than two per month), it may be beneficial to employ a proposal manager or writer on a full-time basis.
During the entirety of the proposal process, proposal managers are responsible for supervising the creation of the proposal as well as acting in the capacity of project manager. They are in charge of leading strategy talks and have a comprehensive understanding of how to react to RFPs as well as the requirements outlined in each individual RFP. There are times when proposal managers also take on the role of writer.
On the other hand, the sole responsibility of proposal writers is to compose the substance of the proposal rather than to manage the proposal itself. The majority of the time, a proposal manager is in charge of leading the process and assigning writers to various portions of the proposal. Sometimes a salesperson may be in charge of organising the proposal, while the writer would be responsible for producing information for various areas.
When it comes to drafting proposals, every business has its own distinctive method, and before you hire anyone, you need to be sure you have a clear plan for how you want them to support your ideas. If you are in the market for a proposal manager, you should look for someone with excellent communication and project management abilities. If you’re going to hire a writer, it goes without saying that they should be proficient in the writing of technical information.
Services for writing proposals
If you don’t typically reply to requests for proposals (RFPs), but you want to ensure that you’re adopting a plan, or you want to save time by not writing a document that’s 50 pages long by yourself, then it could be time to work with a proposal writing firm. Businesses that create proposals should have writers on staff who are APMP-certified and have a minimum of fifty years’ worth of experience presenting proposals (ideally 100). You can collaborate with companies that write proposals to establish the strategy for your proposal, create the actual proposal, and carry out a review of previous proposals you lost to determine how you might improve in the future.
Proposal Writing Tips
Always use the format that is recommended.
Requests for proposals, in most cases, will specify the exact format that you should use for your submission. It is essential to do a comprehensive assessment of a request for proposal (RFP) as well as any and all papers that are relevant to it. It could be tempting to change the format in order to make it fit your template, but in most cases, it’s advisable to stick as closely as possible to the format that’s necessary. In the event that a particular format is not provided and you are unsure how to organise your proposal, you should at the very least include an overview of your organisation, offering, pricing, and qualifications.
Focus on Your Audience.
You should, indeed, include facts about your company; however, you should also include material that explains why your audience should care about this information. Highlight the benefits that will be provided by your services rather than simply listing out the things that you offer. The more precisely you describe the advantages, the greater the possibility that they will select you for the award.
Share a story with audience.
The most compelling ideas convey a narrative and touch an audience member on an emotional level. To be able to develop an engaging narrative, you need to have an in-depth understanding of the factors that are driving your audience to request proposals. Include the most important aspects of the problems they are having and how those problems will be resolved if they work with you as the solution provider.
Writing a Proposal: Why You Should Stay Away From Technical Jargon
It is imperative that you communicate in the language of your audience, as the evaluation of proposals is frequently carried out by a variety of audiences. Because of this, the use of technical language in your proposal can make it more difficult for some of the evaluators to comprehend what it is that you are providing. If you are going to use specialised terminology that isn’t generally known, you should make sure to include a concise explanation of what it means and why it’s important.
Sizeable portions of the Content.
Eliminating unnecessary information is one of the most difficult tasks involved in competing for a significant contract. It is only natural to want to offer all conceivable detail in order to forestall any inquiries they could have. When you do this, though, it is quite simple for the people in your audience to overlook the aspects that are most important to you. Use headings, callouts, images, and a format that is clean so that it is easy to read your proposal and understand why they should choose you. This will help eliminate any confusion that may arise.

Questions Typically Asked in Proposal Writing
Isn’t a request for proposals (RFP) just an exercise in pricing?
The quick answer is no, not all requests for proposals are simply attempting to get a better bargain from their chosen vendor. This might be the case in some circumstances, but the most of the time, businesses are looking for the best overall value rather than the one with the lowest price. There have been several instances in which the incumbent business or another organisation was in a strong position to win going into the request for proposal (RFP), but another company presented a convincing case and ended up winning the contract instead. Never give up on something before you’ve even given it a shot!
Should I make every effort to send out as many proposals as I can?
If you believe that you are qualified to address the customer’s problem in a way that no one else can, then you should definitely make a proposal. However, if you apply the same standard to each proposal, you run the risk of missing out on the opportunity to secure the contracts that you consider to be the most lucrative. Instead of following this strategy, you should evaluate each opportunity to assess how useful it is to your organisation as well as the likelihood that you would be successful in it. Spend more time crafting a story and strategy for the proposals that score highly, and use more boilerplate language when writing the proposals that score lower.
Which part of a proposal is considered to be the most crucial?
This varies depending on the proposal being made. In the event that the RFP included the evaluation criteria, you will be aware of the areas in which you should concentrate your efforts. In the event that assessment criteria are lacking, your primary attention should be on developing a truly captivating executive summary, as this is the one portion that the vast majority of people read. After that, you should focus further attention on your offerings as well as any potential points of uniqueness, and you should ensure that your pricing is completely transparent.
What exactly is an acceptable win rate?
This, too, differs depending on the firm, but it’s essential to maintain your strategy in mind at all times. If you are reacting to a large number of opportunities that have a low score (see to the second question above for more information), then your victory rate will probably be lower. If your success rate is at least 80 percent, you aren’t taking enough chances on opportunities that could help your company expand. Because it is much simpler to win a request for proposal (RFP) if you are the incumbent, it is far more difficult to gain new contracts. Win rates can vary greatly from company to company and industry to industry, and it is up to you to determine what win rate works best for you.
Now that you have a better understanding of how to write proposals, it is time to devise a plan of action and figure out how much of your time and resources you wish to invest in the proposal process. If you plan on responding to a significant number of public and government RFPs, it may be beneficial to invest in the hire of an individual whose sole responsibility will be to write proposals. If you only reply to some requests, establishing a plan for when you do react and getting in touch with a company that writes proposals can put you in a better position to win those highly sought after contracts.
Disclaimer: The author’s views are his or her own. The facts and opinions in the article have been taken from various articles and commentaries available in the online media and Eastside Writers does do not take any responsibility or obligation for them.
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Originally posted 2022-07-08 05:37:23.