Prayer is a wonderful benefit, and we are assured that God is constantly attentive, but it frequently requires some effort to discern his solutions. Prayer makes us feel at ease, relieved, and filled with love; thus, we know God hears us. We’ve seen how He protects all of us in difficult situations and from numerous threats on a daily basis, and we can all feel His love in a variety of ways. Everything is heard by God, including prayers. 

Woman praying in full devotion.

Prayer is a practice that is gravely misunderstood. Since the term “pray” in English has the primary meaning of “request,” there is a widespread misconception that prayer is primarily about asking for things like health, wealth, success, and other things.

In an effort to overcome their powerlessness in the face of tremendous natural forces, the primitive and uninformed sometimes turn to prayer, which is frequently viewed as a form of quasi-magic. Religious prayer routines are often seen by many as pointless, archaic, formal rites that are done in a language they do not comprehend and have nothing to do with their inner selves or personal problems.

It is mostly forgotten that many people found it quite natural to converse openly and spontaneously to God in their own native tongue up until our great-grandparents’ generation, discussing all their wants and pouring out their hearts. The majority of people today find the concept of speaking to God in your own words mysterious, uncomfortable, and surreal. God is incredibly awesome and remote. How should you communicate with Him? How could God care about all of our trivial issues and needs?

Let’s find out the mystery

In any event, why is it essential to communicate with God since He already knows everything, including our thoughts? And what sort of discourse is it, anyway? Talking to someone allows you to observe their reactions and hear what they have to say. God’s response is…

Although “it is not in the Heavens…..The command to act is extremely close to you and is already in your heart and mouth. Speaking to God “out there” is not a requirement of prayer. It can be as straightforward and personal as speaking to your own heart. Even though prayers of request and petition, especially for spiritual illumination, occupy a significant place in many of the Psalms and prayers of the Siddur [the Jewish prayer book], they are simply one component of prayer, according to the actual substance of these prayers and Psalms.

God is universal. Nothing escapes him. He has control over all he has made. Therefore, the question is not whether God knows about every prayer—He does—but rather, is God listening to our petitions with the intention of responding? The Impartial Lord would change his attitude toward those who pray if He were to grant people’s requests in response to their prayers. Yet the faith is such that people thong the “ghats of Kashi” and pray for “Moksha“.

So, how does God grant the requests of His followers?

According to the Bhagavad Gita, verse 21, Lord Krishna says, “Whatever form a devotee wishes to worship with “faith,” Lord Krishna declares, “that “faith” of his I establish strong in him.”

From a material standpoint, when we pray and make a decision to accomplish something, we grow in “faith” in the end result and self-assurance in our ability to do it. Faith is a developing belief that is based on knowledge. This “faith” grows as the mind improves productivity. A focused mind is a powerful force that no obstacle can withstand for very long. This

Regardless of the objective, it is this “faith” that ultimately leads each of us to achievement.

Worshiping lord Buddha

Next, what? How does one go about getting what one wants?

A man puts more effort into his work as a result of his “faith” in his chosen field. The Lord acknowledges that it is by “His” grace that “faith” grows, and as a result, so do the efforts. Our wishes are being satisfied as a result of our increasing efforts. Therefore, individuals who just beg without always working hard to attain their goals make the complaint that they have been praying for years but that their prayers have never been heard.

This verse is crucial from a spiritual perspective since it has helped define the Hindu people’s unfathomable level of tolerance for all other religions in the world. “Truth is one; sages label it by several names,” the Hindu is aware. Whatever shape man chooses to worship his God in, God will be made known to him in that form.

The secret to success is the same for both material and spiritual prosperity. If one wants material goods, they come true; Also if one wants spiritual experiences, they come true as well. If one’s desires are materialistic, one will be satisfied right away by using worldly “devatas” (powers).

Even though our efforts are the same, our outcomes depend on whether we strive for fleeting pleasures in the outside world or go inward to find permanent bliss within. In other words, if our wishful thinking is strong enough, we can achieve our goals. We achieve the required mental unity through prayer, which ensures our success in any endeavour.

Prayer Is Not Begging

Recall that prayer is not begging. It also goes beyond the simple mechanical repetition of extravagant praise for an unknowable being known as God in a language that is foreign to the believer. Prayer is an invocation made with the mind focused on the larger reality of life, the essential life that energises, activates, and thrills the inert world of matter into living beings. As it expands, prayer soars higher into realms of joyful sensations and authentic unfoldments.

How can I be sure that God is hearing my prayers?

God either hears you or He doesn’t, so consider that. There is obviously no point in praying if He does not respond. But if He does (and He does!  ), we must learn how to effectively communicate with Him in prayer, discern His guidance, and proceed faithfully.

Maybe we need to go through some personal growth when we feel like He’s not listening. You might ponder the following queries: Am I tidy? Are my intentions noble? Am I ready to comply with His requests? You can have faith that “the Lord, thy God, shall… grant thee answer to thy requests” if the response to each of these questions is yes, keep in mind that solutions may appear subtly or unexpectedly.

If you answered no to some of those questions, it’s never too late to change your mind! Make the required lifestyle adjustments to receive the Spirit. Be prepared to respond to the prompts you get.

Also, keep in mind that every person interprets responses differently. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to recognize the right responses in your prayers. At first, it might not be simple to spot them, but as with any other ability, practice makes perfect. Believe and have confidence that God is constantly listening.

Try to be receptive to the Holy Spirit. It’s possible that you’re looking for a quiet, small voice when the prompting may really come to you as a feeling because everyone hears the Holy Ghost differently. You just need to listen, and I’m confident that the Holy Ghost will provide all the information you require.

Praying passionately for forgiveness

How does God communicate?

Once, I was debating whether or not to go on a date with a non-member. A sister gave a message in a sacrament meeting one Sunday that seemed to be specifically addressed to me. I was given confirmation that the Lord had heard my prayer at that precise moment. I was at first unsure about what to do, but the Holy Spirit suddenly gave me a consolation ghost who gave my heart courage and gladness. God speaks to us through emotions, thoughts, the Bible, and even sermon speakers!

Belief in Him

God ( Lord Krishna, Shiva, Rama, or, Jesus), ) whoever you worship, always hears our petitions, but occasionally it may appear as though He is not responding because He may not do so at the time or in the manner that we would choose. We must be prepared to cede our will to His and trust that He is aware of our best interests. Our God adores us and always will. As He grants our requests, our loving God will always make an effort to aid us in growing and learning.

Ask, and It Is Given To You

The Bible teaches us that if we pray to God with faith and sincere intent, He will always hear us and grant our requests. We shall experience reassurance that He hears us in our hearts, along with a sense of calm and tranquilly. When we do the Father’s will, we can also sense that everything will be OK. If we have any doubts about whether He hears us, we should look to the Bible for direction before we inquire about the veracity of what we read.

Following your prayer, you can pay attention to the thoughts and desires that arise in your heart. You might find the answer to your request in one of these. When we sincerely and intently pray, our God replies in accordance with the level of faith we place in Him. He doesn’t answer only to pique our interest.

God desires that we pray

He gave us the gift of prayer to allow us to worship Him confess our sins, ask for forgiveness, ask Him to provide for our necessities and unite our wills with His. Only one sort of prayer is certain to be answered. The Lord is ready to hear from us when we come to Him in sincere repentance.

Even though the Lord hears and knows everything, there are some situations where He will not heed our prayers:

1. If you are sinful

God will not answer our prayers when we choose to hold onto our sins rather than confess and reform. I don’t look at you when you extend your hands in prayer, and I don’t pay attention to your repeated prayers either. Your hands are drenched in blood. If someone ignores my instructions, even their prayers are disgusting.

Example: A young couple engages in sexual transgression while cohabitating, yet they pray for God to bless their household.

2. If you are selfish

God will not answer our prayers when we make requests that are motivated by our own selfish interests. When you ask, you don’t obtain what you want because you have the wrong intentions, according to James 4:3, so that you can spend your rewards on your pleasures.

Example: A man wishes for a brand-new Mercedes since he is unhappy with his three-year-old Toyota.

3. If it is against His will

When our requests do not comport with His will for us. This is our assurance when addressing God, according to First John 5:14: “If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”

Example: We ardently pray for a new job, but God’s plan calls for us to remain in our current position and serve as an example to our coworkers.

4. When we make unfaithful requests

“I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours,” on the other hand, is believing in Someone, not in anything. We have faith in God’s goodness and His desire to comfort and bless us. When we pray, we should have confidence that He will answer our prayers and fulfil any requests that are in accordance with His will for us.

Examples include saying something like, “I’m definitely heading to the poorhouse,” yet worrying and pleading with God to meet our financial needs. Never will I receive that money.

5 If you are unfaithful

God is holy, and He longs for us to share His holiness. He is happy to grant our requests in ways that advance our spiritual development when He is aware that we are also seeking holiness. If you continue to believe in me and my teachings, Jesus replied, you can ask for anything you want.. and it’ll be completed for you. The key to effective prayer is to remain in Christ so that our requests are in line with His will. Then, and only then, can we be certain that God hears our prayers and intends to answer them?

What Shri RamaKrishna Paramahansa Says on Prayers

Ram krishna paramahansa

Sincere prayer is required. The heart that prays has to be filled with longing. When it happens, prayer is effective. “A man may call on God by any name; if he is sincere in his prayer, he will undoubtedly reach Him,” says Sri Ramakrishna. Having desire will help him succeed. Let me reassure you that true prayer can help a man discover his inner self. “One should pray to God with a desiring heart. If you are sincere in your prayer, God will listen. There is no question in my mind. If his prayer is sincere, a man can realise God by following his own path. [34] “A true wish should go into one’s prayers to God. If a prayer is heartfelt, God cannot help but to hear it.

What will it benefit you to simply repeat “Siddhi”? Even gargling with a solution of siddhi won’t make you drunk. You won’t become inebriated until it enters your stomach. Without a longing heart and solitary prayer to God, one cannot fully understand what I am saying. If you sing God’s praises and offer Him fervent prayers, you will eventually reach Him. There is not the slightest sliver of a doubt. One should pray in a real longing, according to the approach.

The Narada-prescribed path of Bhakti, bhakti yoga, is the ideal path for this era. singing God’s praises and pleading with Him with a hungry heart, “O God, give me wisdom, give me devotion, and show me who You are, O God.” Pray to God, “O God, grant me devotion at Thy lotus feet and lessen my worldly responsibilities,” with love and longing in your heart. Please give me the blessing of being able to perform the few tasks I have to complete with a detached spirit.

God’s active presence is everywhere if believed and nowhere if not recognized.

Since acknowledging God’s active presence in our lives and the world around us is one of the most significant ways to experience our relationship with Him, there are also numerous descriptions of God’s works and activities in nature and history, as well as praises, thanks, and acknowledgments.

The Psalms, in particular, give intimate voice to the innermost thoughts and feelings of the spiritual seeker in every phase of the search, including introspection and self-judgment; happiness about the good in oneself; regret about the bad; the struggle with evil instincts; fears, doubts, and questions; the joy of devotion; reverence, love, awe, and yearning for God, among other things. These innermost thoughts and feelings are not limited to prayers to God or statements about Him

Affirmation is a crucial component of prayer, where we repeatedly remind ourselves of our faith, hope, and trust in God, encourage ourselves to resist fear, discouragement, and despair and focus on the virtues of justice and righteousness, kindness, and mercy that we desire to foster in our life.

Is God Aware of Our Prayers?

The simplest response to this query is that, yes, God does hear the prayers of the righteous, and He does respond! In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that I think He hears ALL of the faithful’s prayers.

However, when we encounter this topic, that is often not what is being asked because if one believes in the Lord as God then one typically believes

Not if God hears and responds to prayer, but rather, does God respond to MY prayers in the manner I ask? Does God’s response match our expectations?

You know, when we pray, we frequently have a predetermined response in mind that we wish to receive. Sometimes, but not always.

We frequently have an idea of what healing will look like for us when we pray for it. We have a certain outcome in mind when we pray for a relationship. Therefore, the real question is not whether God hears our prayers and responds to them, but rather, does He respond to our petitions in the way WE want Him to?

No, that’s not the answer! God, not you, No, that’s not the answer! No, neither we nor God always grant our requests, nor do we always grant our children’s requests. Giving everyone what they desire would not be right for us to do and would not be right for a just God to do!

When we pray, that is the crucial thing to keep in mind! We don’t get our way because of this!

But let’s dissect this more in the subsequent inquiries so that we can comprehend just how God responds to prayers.

Let’s start by asking the following query about God’s perspective on prayer!

praying to god with folded hands

God’s Perspective on Prayer

In its purest form, prayer is a dialogue between us and God. We have been told repeatedly that prayer is a way to ask for help when you’re in need, but it is—or at the very least, SHOULD be—much more than that. It should be a moment of speaking and listening in God’s presence.

We have a relationship with our God, who created us specifically so that we might have relationships, as followers of Yeshua. We engage in that relationship through prayer, just as we develop relationships with others through discussion.

What kind of relationships would we have on earth if we only asked for things?

However, it is frequently how we perceive prayer. We interpret it as presenting God with a list of our needs, aspirations, and hopes. And undoubtedly, that is part of it. But just as parents want to hear from their children without them calling up only when they want something, God too wants to hear from you without you begging for things!

If all your children did when they spoke to you was reel off a laundry list of their wants and needs without ever taking the time to listen to you or share the specifics of their life with you, it would break your heart as a parent.

God is not an exception. He is our Father and desires to converse not only WITH us but also FROM us. It is a two-way exchange of ideas.

Therefore, even if prayer includes petition—because our benevolent Father WOULD LIKE US TO COME TO HIM IN THOSE HARD SITUATIONS LIFE THROWS US IN—it also includes other components like gratitude, adoration, and remembering.

Remembering the past is crucial, and Jewish prayer includes it heavily. In Judaism, many of our prayers serve to remind us of all the good things God has done for us and our ancestors in the past.

The Last Word

God wants to hear your prayers. Other than this, God does not hear the prayer of an unrepentant sinner because only a person whose sins are atoned for by faith in your God can enter His presence and converse with God. God does not turn away anybody who calls out to him for grace and mercy.

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Originally posted 2022-11-10 04:36:38.

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