A healthy life requires a healthy lifestyle. Staying active can help you avoid diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Improved mental health and cognitive performance have also been related to exercise.
To improve your health, you don’t have to be a long-distance runner. The most important thing is that you maintain your level of activity. It aids in:
- a good workout for your heart
- Maintain a healthy weight
- remaining strong.
Finding something you enjoy doing is the key to remaining active. For some, this means working out with a friend. It doesn’t matter if you go to the gym, stroll around the block, dance along to an aerobics DVD in the privacy of your own home, or take a quiet bike ride — just begin moving.
COVID -19 The repeated lockdown due to the pandemic, has thrown daily routines out of whack, and physical activity has decreased significantly. People who have a limited social life and are confined to their homes are strongly drawn to comfort foods such as sweets, ice creams, and fatty snacks. As a result, weight gain has become a widespread concern for many.

When it comes to exercise, we consider how to “gain” fitness. However, frequently, getting started is not the issue. “The major challenge is maintaining it,” says Falko Sniehotta, a Newcastle University professor of behavioural medicine and health psychology.
Adults should perform strength exercises in addition to 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, according to official UK guidelines. According to the 2016 Health Survey for England, 34% of men and 42% of women do not meet their aerobic exercise targets, while even more – 69% and 77%, respectively – do not engage in enough strengthening activity.
Meanwhile, obesity contributes to the chronic long-term diseases identified in Public Health England’s analysis, which indicates that women in the UK are dying earlier than women in the majority of EU countries.
Maintain an active lifestyle by performing daily chores and adhering to an exercise routine. Combine it with stretches, walking, and yoga to help you maintain your fitness level and shape.
We are all aware that we should be doing more, but how do we stay motivated when our motivation wanes, the weather turns bad, or life gets in the way? Consider the following 25 pieces of advice from Eastside Writers‘ experts.
1 Determine why, not just how
Our motivations for starting exercise are critical to our ability to maintain it. Consider watching some motivational videos or listening to some inspiring music as a starting point, but do so with awareness and not simply because you are excited or it is a new year’s resolution. Because motivation is a finite resource!
Given that I was in your shoes not long ago, I am convinced that you lack a WHY. What you require is motivation, a WHY for what you wish to accomplish. Unless and until that motivation comes from within, you will continue to be slothful.
Successful people in this world possess a sense of purpose. This drive enables them to be unflinching in any situation. The sheer will continue to exist indefinitely if their motivation outweighs any obstacles they encounter. For M. S Dhoni, playing cricket for his country was pure joy.
It is past time for you to discover your WHY, my friend.
2 Begin slowly
Begin slowly and gradually increase. Allow ample time for warm-up and cool-down exercises such as easy walking or gentle stretching. Then accelerate to a pace that you can maintain for five to ten minutes without becoming exhausted. Increase your exercise time gradually as your stamina improves. Increase your exercise time to 30 to 60 minutes on most days of the week.
Pay attention to your body. Take a break if you experience pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or nausea. You may be exerting excessive effort.
Be adaptable. Allow yourself a day or two off if you’re not feeling well. If you find yourself lacking motivation, set new goals or engage in a new activity. Exercising with a friend or enrolling in a fitness centre class may also be beneficial.
According to personal trainer Matt Roberts, the danger of the typical New Year’s resolution approach to fitness is that people “jump in and do everything – change their diet, start exercising, stop drinking and smoking – and within a couple of weeks they’ve lost motivation or become too exhausted.” It will take time if you haven’t been in shape.” He supports. Combine it with slow jogs, swimming, and fast walks once (or twice, at most) a week – plus two or three rest days, at least for the first month. “This allows for recovery sessions in addition to the high-intensity workouts.”
Choosing to begin an exercise programme is a significant decision. However, it does not have to be onerous. By planning carefully and pacing yourself, you can develop a lifelong healthy habit.
3 You are not required to adore it
It’s beneficial to avoid forcing yourself to do things you actively dislike, advises Segar, who suggests considering the types of activities – roller-skating? Bike riding? – something you enjoyed as a child. However, you are not required to enjoy exercise. “Many people who exercise regularly state, ‘I feel better when I do.'” However, there are elements that will almost certainly be enjoyable, such as the physical response of your body and the sensation of growing stronger, as well as the satisfaction associated with mastering a sport.
“For many people, the obvious choices are not necessarily the ones they prefer,” explains Sniehotta, who is also the director of the National Institute for Health Research’s policy research unit for behavioural science. It could be a variety of sports or something as simple as sharing activities with others.”
4 Be gentle with yourself
Be gentle with yourself. Self-compassion increases your chances of success in any endeavour. Therefore, refrain from criticising your body, your current level of fitness, or your alleged lack of willpower. That will only serve to demotivate you. Rather than that, view your past errors and unhealthy choices as opportunities for learning and growth.
Reevaluate your expectations, you did not become out of shape overnight, and you will not transform your body in an instant either. Expecting too much, too soon will only result in disappointment.
Avoid becoming discouraged by what you are unable to accomplish or the distance you must travel to reach your fitness goals. Rather than obsessing over results, concentrate on consistency. While mood and energy levels may improve quickly, the physical benefits will take time.
Abandon the all-or-nothing mentality, you do not have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself to participate in repetitive or painful activities that you despise to reap the physical and emotional benefits of exercise. A little exercise is preferable to none. Indeed, even modest increases in physical activity can have a profound effect on your mental and emotional health.

5 Your willpower says it all
The majority of people view willpower as a mysterious force that “lazy” people simply lack. In reality, willpower is more akin to a muscle – it has a finite range of motion. If your willpower is untrained, it is incapable of bearing a heavy load. Indeed, studies have demonstrated that the brain has a finite capacity for decision-making and that minor choices accumulate throughout the day, depleting our reserves. With diminished willpower, you may find yourself stress-eating more frequently or opting for a nap over a trip to the gym. The most effective way to change your habits, whether it’s waking up earlier or opting for a banana over a piece of pound cake, is to gradually exercise your willpower. Here are four methods for getting started.
Bring positive reinforcements into the equation.
Routine will always triumph over willpower 95% of the time. Therefore, how do you develop a routine? Four weeks of consistently carrying out an action will result in that action becoming ingrained in your daily life. Eventually, these chores will feel like treats – you’ll feel strange if you break the routine you’ve established of exercising and eating healthfully.
Self-awareness is critical for habit change, and sometimes we must look outside of ourselves for it. When you record your actions in terms of what you eat and how and when you exercise, you can examine them objectively and make future changes. According to a Kaiser Permanente study, people who kept a food diary doubled their weight loss. Dr. Kelly McGonigal, a Stanford University psychology professor and blogger for Psychology Today, notes that factors such as alcohol and sleep deprivation can also impair self-awareness by increasing impulsiveness, so keep them in mind as well. Additionally, they should be limited.
Establish reasonable and healthy goals .
Setting an improbable goal for yourself is a surefire recipe for failure. Your expectations and your hopes may not always coincide. You can hope to lose 20 pounds by your high school reunion, but if the reunion is less than a month away, you’re almost certain to fail. Alternatively, establish both short- and long-term objectives. Dr. Kevin Hall, a physician at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in the United States who led a study on unrealistic goals and weight loss, believes that gradual development of good habits maybe even more effective than a drastic change.
6 Identify a purpose
Anything that allows you to exercise while accomplishing other goals is beneficial, according to Sniehotta. “It provides a greater sense of fulfilment, and the costs of not doing so are greater.” For example, walking or cycling to work, joining a sports club, or running with a friend are all examples of ways to make new friends. “Or perhaps the goal is to spend more time in the countryside, which running facilitates.”
Combine physical activity with another activity. “For instance, in my workplace, I avoid using the elevator and strive to minimise email, so I walk over to people whenever possible,” Sniehotta explains. “Throughout the day, I walk to work, I move around a lot within the building, and I average about 15,000 steps. Make physical activity as meaningful as possible.”
7 Make it a routine to leady a healthy life
When you first begin running, it can be exhausting simply to get out the door – where are your shoes? How about your water bottle? Which path will you take? After a while, Sniehottta notes, “the activity becomes cost-free.” Regular physical activity and planning for it “assist in making it a sustainable behaviour.” Absences from sessions do not.
When scheduled exercise or block sessions are not possible, these tips will help you fit in 5 to 30-minute blocks without disrupting your day. Combine physical activity with routine activity, such as walking the dog, shopping, or doing household chores.
When you’re finished unloading your groceries, exercise your arms by lifting the milk bottle several times before putting it away.
When shopping, park at the far end of the carpark and make a quick walk to the stores.
Consider whether you really need a car or if you could walk or ride your bike instead.
8 Make a plan and establish priorities for a lasting healthy life
What if you are unable to exercise due to a lack of time? This is undoubtedly true for many people who work two jobs or have extensive caring responsibilities, You may believe your job requires a lot of sitting, but you can change that. Consider the following suggestions for increasing your workplace activity.
Join a group for lunchtime walking or running. Is there no group available? Establish one!
Depending on the facilities in your building, you may be able to do yoga, swim, or work out in the gym before or after work, or during your lunch break.
Inquire with your boss about obtaining a standing desk. Additionally, plan meetings that are standing or walking. Convene outside so that you can walk while conversing. Take breaks from your computer on a regular basis. Every 30 minutes, stand and walk. Lunch should be taken on the move, preferably outside.
Alternate between sitting and standing tasks (emails, for example) (such as photocopying or presentations). To greet visitors or while on the phone, take a position (which is easier with a headset or speakerphone). Instead of having colleagues come to you, or communicating via email or phone, go to their workstations and speak with them.
Take the stairs rather than the lift. Increase your water consumption. Your sitting time will be broken up by trips to the water cooler and bathroom. Relocate your bin away from your desk so that you must stand to use it.
Make an attempt to embrace the activity. Being busy does not have to be detrimental to one’s health. It could simply be an excuse.

9 Keep it succinct and succinct
Workout does not have to last an hour. “If you are truly pressed for time, a well-structured 15-minute workout can be extremely effective.” For those of us who are not serious about training but simply want to exercise for the health benefits, exercising consistently a few times a week is far more important than reaching some arbitrary minute goal during a workout.
Many people struggle to commit to 30 minutes of exercise each day and end up skipping the majority of their workouts, believing that any workout less than 30 minutes is a waste of time. In reality, every minute spent exercising benefits the body.
It is far more beneficial for those who are out of shape to focus on consistency and a generally active lifestyle than it is to worry about completing a certain number of minutes of continuous intense exercise.
Additionally, you are not required to visit a gym or pound the pavement like a competitive athlete for an activity to qualify as exercise and benefit your health. Vigorous gardening, yard work, sight-seeing on foot, climbing stairs, hiking, walking, and playing catch with the kids all count as exercise and benefit your health. The Stanford Center for Research on Disease Prevention’s William Haskell published,
If you have a project you would like to discuss be it website or newsletter content, magazine articles, media copy or scientific writing then Please get in touch with me.
10 If something isn’t working, replace it.
There are a plethora of reasons to stop exercising. Being unable to leave the house should not be one of them. If you are confined to your home due to rain, snow, small children, or long work hours, there are still ways to complete a running workout. The following is a list of non-treadmill indoor workouts.
This Shape.com circuit alternates between cardio moves inspired by running and resistance exercises. Your body will be completely unaware that you are not out running the trail. It’s sufficiently quiet to sneak in during your toddler’s nap time. Perform each interval once for a 25-minute cardio session, or double it and add a cool down for an hour-long workout.
This 30-minute indoor circuit workout requires only a few pieces of equipment and some additional space. If it’s raining outside, move your couch and coffee table to the room’s edges and begin jogging in place. This one is packed with high knee sprints, burpees, and planks. It will increase your heart rate, sculpt your body, and assist you in breaking through any training plateaus you may be experiencing. To increase the difficulty level of this indoor circuit, simply use heavier dumbbells and medicine balls or increase the number of repetitions.
Running outdoors is not always a safe bet. Perhaps the weather, your work schedule, your neighbourhood, or the time of day are to blame. Regardless of the reason, do not abandon your running goals! Instead, be inventive. RunnersWorld details various types of cardio cross-training workouts that you can do indoors when it’s too cold to go outside. There is a solution for everyone, from spinning classes to deep-water running programmes.
A rainy day or a blizzard are not reasons to call it quits. Therefore, lace up your shoes, tuck your socks in, and take the next step. When the sun returns, you’ll be prepared to hit the trail.
11 As you age, incorporate resistance and balance
Individuals cannot ignore their age. Making this error can result in weight gain, cardiovascular problems, and chronic illnesses associated with unhealthy lifestyles. As you age, your body experiences more wear and tear, according to Shane McLean, certified personal trainer at Balance Guy Training. Each year after their late 30s, people lose muscle mass and function. Physically inactive individuals can lose up to 3% to 5% of their body weight per decade. This means rebuilding muscle in order to boost metabolism, which aids in weight and blood sugar regulation, but this is much easier said than done.
Extended warm-up for a healthy system
Extend warm-ups and include additional mobility exercises, such as hip extensions and wall pushups,” the trainer explains. Numerous warm-up exercises he recommends are performed on the ground to improve posture prior to beginning the workout routine.
Additional stretching to live healthy
“As we age, our ligaments and tendons become less pliable to stretching,” The trainer explains. “For the same benefit, hold each stretch for at least 30-60 seconds,” he adds. Static stretching should not be done before to an exercise session. They should be performed as you cool down following a workout to increase flexibility, the trainer advises. Walking lunges, jumping jacks, butt kicks, leg swings, and high knees are all examples of dynamic stretches that are beneficial prior to exercising.
Increase your level of adaptability to enjoy healthy life
Mobility is critical for avoiding injuries and back pain, increasing blood supply and nutrients to muscles, reducing soreness, and improving posture. Flexibility is directly related to exercises that require a full range of motion, such as squats and deadlifts, which are among the most popular muscle-building workouts. Additionally, seated twists, foam rolling, Pilates, and butterfly stretch are beneficial.
This is frequently up to the individual, but the body may take longer to recover following exercises such as heavy weightlifting, deadlifting, squatting, or other compound exercises, the trainer says. It is not uncommon to need 2-3 minutes of rest between sets.
Total-body workouts for a healthy body
Full-body workouts are beneficial for everyone, not just those over the age of 40 or 45 years.. When all muscles are targeted simultaneously, they receive a strength and endurance workout, which allows them to appear more defined more quickly. A combination of full-body moves such as squats, medicine ball lifts, and cardio will keep all body systems in tip-top shape. Each time you train, incorporate a body workout.
Reduce your weight and remain healthy
Lighter weights are easier on the body and it’s easier to recover after lifting less. Heavier weights are the inverse, which is why as you age, you can’t keep up with constantly lifting heavy, he adds. “After 3-4 weeks of lifting heavier weights, take a break and lift lighter weights for the next 3-4 weeks.” Additionally, lifting weights helps prevent diabetes.
Reconsider the use of weight machines
Trainers prefer to concentrate on functional exercises over machine exercises. Exercises that teach you how to move better are preferable to those that target a single muscle group at a time. Movements that require you to sit are ineffective because you’ve spent the entire day sitting. You’re only exerting the same amount of pressure on your body, and the goal is to move as much as possible. Nonetheless, the trainer asserts that machines play a role. “They are an excellent place to start if you haven’t exercised in a long time or are recovering from an injury.”
Balance exercise for a healthy way
Balance exercises become increasingly critical as you age and an important factor when it comes to remain healthy. They strengthen your legs, which helps prevent falls. (Every year, more than 300,000 people are hospitalised with broken hips, the majority of which are caused by falling.) The trainer recommends lunges and exercises involving only one leg. “Lifting with one arm or leg at a time is extremely beneficial for balance,” he continues.“By grasping a wall with your fingertips, you can boost your confidence.”
Endurance exercises to remain healthy
The trainer recommends a mix of low-intensity cardio workouts, such as walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes, and high-intensity intervals, such as biking or running as fast as you can for a few minutes. While HIIT has a place, it should not be your primary focus, he adds. Additionally, running does not always result in fat loss. To lose a few extra pounds, you need to be able to burn more calories while you sleep. This is only possible if you strengthen your muscles through strength training.
Improve your posture for healthy body
Standing up straight and not sagging your shoulders will help you maintain your fitness level over time. Otherwise, even if you are not immediately aware of it, poor posture is wreaking havoc on your spine, shoulders, hips, and even knees. You are certain to feel the consequences later in life. They manifest themselves as persistent back pain, fatigue, stiffness, and headaches. Trainer recommends the Dead Bug, horizontal rows, TRX rows, and core stability exercises with a neutral spine as good posture-improving exercises.
Increased physical activity to lead healthy life
“Do a little bit each day,” The trainer advises. People of that age have demanding lives – work, children, and social obligations. “While you may not be able to go to the gym every day, you should take a walk or toss a football around,” he adds. “An hour at the gym cannot make up for days of inactivity, even more so as you age and everything takes longer.”
Be more consistent for a healthy life.
Everything good becomes more difficult as you age, Trainer says. While it takes longer to build muscle and lose fat, it is much easier to gain weight, particularly around the abdomen. “You have to exercise for a little longer in order to achieve a goal,” the trainer says. “Ninety percent is showing up; the remaining ten percent is details,” he continues. Even a few minutes on the treadmill is preferable to nothing.
Modification of objectives for a healthy life
Setting goals is one of the most challenging aspects of getting healthy. Without them, you are setting yourself up to fail, but you must have a clear plan for achieving them; otherwise, they will be unrealistic and will likely result in disappointment and physical harm. “You will not lose five pounds in a week,” the trainer explains. As you age, it becomes more difficult to lose weight and build muscle; your metabolism slows, and maintaining a thigh gap becomes nearly impossible.

12 Be prudent in dealing with illness, injury or pregnancy
While exercising ill may not sound appealing, a popular urban legend asserts that a person can “sweat out” an illness through exercise. While this is not strictly true, exercising while ill may be beneficial in some cases.
In general, someone who is experiencing symptoms in their head and nose, such as those associated with a head cold, may benefit from exercise.
However, anyone experiencing chest or stomach pain or who has a fever should avoid exercise. If symptoms worsen or exercising causes pain, it is best to avoid exercising while sick.
When a person has symptoms of a head cold or not finding himself healthy, they can usually engage in light exercise.
Generally, it is acceptable to exercise while experiencing the typical symptoms of a head cold. These include the following symptoms:
- congestion of the nasal passages
- runny nose swollen or puffy eyes
- headache caused by tension
In some cases, these symptoms may improve as a result of exercise. Exercise increases heart rate and circulation, which may aid in the body’s fluid release.
It is critical to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water while exercising, even more so if one is sick.
Additionally, it is necessary to consider that various exercises will have varying effects on the body. In general, it is best to avoid strenuous exercise while ill. Rather than that, an individual should concentrate on lighter, movement-based exercises that stimulate the blood flow without overworking the body.
These activities may include the following:
Light walking jogging leisurely cycling swimming tai chi gentle yoga
Is it possible to “sweat out” illness?
The notion that a person can literally sweat out an illness is a myth. It may have persisted for so long because regular exercise helps maintain a healthy body and may help boost the immune system.
These effects appear to be related to empowering the immune system to cope with illness more effectively, rather than how much people sweat out illness while ill.
Mild exercise may also alleviate some symptoms, such as a runny nose or headache, temporarily.
Generally, individuals should avoid exercise if they are experiencing chest tightness.
When working out while sick, it is critical to take certain precautions. For instance, a fever is a clear indication that a person should avoid exercise.
According to a clinical review published in the journal Sports Health Trusted Source, fever causes the body to lose more fluid, reduces muscle strength, and makes a person feel more exhausted.
A fever also indicates that the body is raising its internal temperature in preparation to fight infection. Exercise raises the body temperature, exacerbating the symptoms.
Another factor to consider is ear symptoms. These symptoms of illness can make a person feel dizzy or off-balance, which can be dangerous if they are exercising.
Individuals experiencing dizziness may wish to avoid exercise until they feel better.
Additionally, anyone experiencing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea should abstain from exercising.
Exercise can cause the body to perspire. Because someone who has diarrhoea or vomiting is already losing a lot of water, exercising may put them at risk of dehydration.
Chest pain is another indication that it is best to avoid exercise. These symptoms may include the following:
chest constriction difficulty breathing coughing
Finally, even if a person only has mild symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing, it is critical to rest if they feel weak or unable to exercise.
Seek advice following an injury
Obviously, the speed with which you resume exercise depends on the type of injury, and you should seek advice from your doctor. However, psychologically, Thompson Rule notes, “even when we are doing everything correctly, there are still bumps in the road.” It is not going to be a linear process of improvement.”
After pregnancy, take it gradually.
Again, Thompson Rule emphasises the importance of listening to your body – and to your doctor’s advice during your six-week postnatal checkup. Returning to exercise after a caesarean section will be slower, and pregnancy-related back injuries and abdominal muscle problems will all affect how quickly you can return to training and may require physiotherapy.
“Once you’re walking and have a little more energy, depending on where you were prior to pregnancy (some women never trained), starting a regime postpartum is quite an undertaking,” Thompson Rule explains. “Exercise patience. I receive more emails from women asking when they will regain their flat stomachs than anything else.
Relax, look after yourself, and look after your baby. When you feel a little more energised, gradually reintroduce yourself to your routine.” She suggests beginning with “very fundamental things like walking and carrying your baby.
Originally posted 2021-06-06 11:03:39.
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