The medical term “liver cirrhosis” is a problem associated with our liver. The largest and one of the most significant organs in the human body is the liver. The liver is a roughly football-sized organ. It is positioned on the right side of the abdomen, directly below the right rib cage. The liver is essential for metabolizing meals and removing poisons from the body.

Liver disease is mostly heritable (genetic). Liver disorders can be caused by many things that hurt the liver, such as infections, drinking too much alcohol, and being overweight.

Diseases that hurt the liver can cause scarring (cirrhosis) over time, which can lead to liver failure, which can be fatal. On the other hand, receiving treatment as soon as possible could allow the liver to heal. There, the body breaks down poisons, hormones, medications, alcohol, preservatives, chemicals, and other toxins.

What is Liver Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is one of the liver diseases that might result in major issues. Blood flow through the liver is blocked by this condition, and unhealthy or scar tissues take the place of the liver’s normal tissues. Liver cirrhosis is the long-term and final stage of chronic liver disease. It is most often caused by portal hypertension and leads to ascites, which is when fluid builds up in the peritoneal cavity. 

Healthy and damaged liver

The liver tries to repair itself each time it is harmed or destroyed by toxic substances. However, during this procedure, liver cells develop scar tissue. As cirrhosis of the liver gets worse, more and more tissues and cells become worried, which makes it harder for the liver to work.

“Fibrosis” is the name for when a scar made of collagen grows around or replaces damaged tissue. Fibrosis moves at different speeds depending on the cause of liver disease, environmental factors, and the person who has it. An advanced form of liver fibrosis is cirrhosis. It is a sickness that worsens over time and progresses slowly. If scar tissue builds up and isn’t treated, it could stop the liver from working.

Cirrhosis is the eleventh most common disease-related cause of death, taking the lives of 27,000 people every year. Men are slightly more prone to developing the illness than women are.

Causes of Liver Cirrhosis 

Even though alcoholism, hepatitis B and C, and fatty liver disease are the most common causes of cirrhosis, there are many other possible causes, such as: 

  • Obesity is becoming a common cause of cirrhosis*
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Excessive iron
  • Biliary duct scarring

You might not have any symptoms in the early stages of liver cirrhosis, but as the disease progresses over time, you might start to notice some signs such as,

  • Fever
  • Reduced appetite
  • Not enough energy
  • Weight gain or decrease suddenly
  • Nauseousness and vomiting tendency
  • Bruises
  • Edema with itchy skin on the legs, abdomen, and ankles (often an early sign)
  • Jaundice
  • Urine with a brownish or orange hue
  • Bloating and pain in the abdomen
  • Stool with a light color and foul odor
  • Disorientation, confusion, and personality changes
  • Stool with blood in it

liver cirrhosis diagnosis includes

  • Tests for hepatitis B and C,
  • The liver’s function, imaging studies such as an MRI, 
  • CT scan, and ultrasound images
  • Liver biopsies

Even though the liver is our main organ for getting rid of toxins and seems like it would be vulnerable to a buildup of toxins over time, it has an amazing ability to heal itself.

In fact, the liver is the only organ in the body that can repair itself on its own. A liver can grow back to its original size, health, and function with as little as 25% of its original size, health, and function. 

The best ways to keep the liver healthy are to give it a break from things that stress it out and give it time to rest and heal. This plan is similar to the idea behind a more thorough cleanse, which can be a great way to improve the way your liver works.

The good news is that the liver has the ability to heal itself; all we need to do is provide it with the right assistance.

So, the following tips are meant to help the liver work normally, whether you are being proactive, trying to fix an existing liver problem, or trying to undo decisions you may have made in the past that overworked your liver.

 Liver Cirrhosis  and damaged liver

Cleansing And Detoxifying the Liver

When done correctly, a cleanse boosts agni throughout the body and aids in getting rid of the toxins that could otherwise compromise our general health.

A strong process of restoration and healing is started by cleansing on many different levels. Because it gives the entire body a period of profound rest and cleansing, it is a powerful therapy for the liver.

Diet and lifestyle therapy are used in an Ayurvedic cleanse to pull toxins, such as too much vata, pitta, and kapha, out of the tissues and into the digestive tract, where they can be eliminated. Even though this might be hard sometimes, a cleansing should give you more energy and make you feel more in balance.

Even within the Ayurvedic tradition, there are numerous approaches to purification. When deciding the general structure, length, intensity, and depth of an exercise, each person’s constitution and current state of balance can and should be taken into account (take our dosha quiz if you’re not sure which one you are).

Strength, age, and numerous environmental and seasonal impacts are additional crucial variables. Although there are various suitable seasons of the year for liver detoxification, spring is likely the most effective.

In the fall and winter, we often eat foods that are heavier, richer, and healthier. In the spring, we tend to want lighter foods, which are naturally cooling and cleansing for the liver. These, on the other hand, are more work.

In addition, spring is the ideal time to release any heat that has built up before summer arrives. It is crucial to keep an eye out for signs of increasing heat in the system during the summer and to clear it as needed because the summer heat can be particularly taxing on the liver.

We have a wide variety of cleansing alternatives accessible in our cleansing department, so you may select the one that best suits your requirements, way of life, and available time.

Liver Flushes

In recent years, liver “flushes” have gained a lot of popularity. Malic acid from apple juice or apple cider vinegar is usually used in these procedures to break up liver stones and gallstones so they can be removed when the liver and gallbladder are aggressively cleaned.

Ayurveda usually uses gentle ways to clean the body, and its more intense ways to clean the body are only used after the body has been properly prepared. So, in Ayurveda, herbs that make you throw up are usually used to get the same effect over a longer period of time.

Hydrating  liquids

Staying hydrated is important for liver health because the blood that is too thick makes it harder for the liver to filter and clean. The liver benefits notably from some liquids.

Lemon Water

When you drink warm lemon water in the morning, it protects and feeds Agni and helps get rid of any ama (toxins) that may have built up over the night. Even though lemon water has citric and ascorbic acids, it is also very alkalizing once it has been broken down. Because of this, it can help balance too much pitta and clean and purify the blood.

Lemon water is also full of antioxidants and is thought to stimulate the liver. It also helps the liver get rid of toxins and make more bile.

How to prepare lemon water 

Fresh lemon 10 to 12 (including the peel)

2 cups of cold, filtered water

Two hot cups of water (recently boiled, or similar temperature)

Blend the water with the fresh juice, add the rind, and stir. Allow for a few minutes before consuming 2-4 cups on an empty stomach (you can drink the leftovers all day). 20 minutes should pass before eating.

Note: Although this ratio of hot to cold water is a reasonable starting point for temperature, it can be changed to suit your own desires.

Azure Water

Some wavelengths of light, and so some colors, can have a calming effect on our bodies in a very deep way. Drinking water that has been treated with calming blue light is one technique to help pitta become more balanced throughout the body, especially in the liver.

Fill a transparent glass container or jar with filtered water to start. Wrap a piece of blue cellophane around the jar (usually available at art supply stores). To give the water a boost of blue light, leave the container in the sun for a few hours. Drink one to three cups of this water daily. The blood and liver can both be noticeably cooled by this procedure.

Proper and suitable diet

Because the liver is so important to digestion and because one of its main jobs is to filter and get rid of any poisons we eat, our diets will always have a big effect on the health of the liver.

The following behaviors will aid in liver renewal and protection.

Diets that balance pitta for the liver

Because pitta and the liver are so closely linked, a diet that balances pitta will often help the liver stay healthy and clean, especially during the warmer months of the year. Foods that are good for balancing pitta tend to be healthy, mild, or even cooling (not spicy), and a little bit dry.

Consume less spicy and salty foods

Put less emphasis on the salty, sour, and pungent (spicy) tastes and more emphasis on the sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes. Bitter tastes are especially good for the liver because they cool and cleanse the body. If your digestive habits tend to be to pitta, you may also find that raw vegetables and green vegetable juices are especially good for your liver.

Stay away from intoxicating substances

It will also help to stay away from anything that could make you sicker, like illegal or prescribed drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.  To give your liver a good rest, cut back on refined sugars, oils, and fats. These are the main things that the liver is directly responsible for metabolizing.

Cut Refined sugar and saturated Oils consumption

To give your liver a good rest, cut back on refined sugars, oils, and fats. These are the main things that the liver is directly responsible for metabolizing.

Use more of Desi Ghee

Use traditional ghee sparingly, preferring it to other oils and fats during a liver detox. Ghee helps enzymes work again and is the substance that the liver can break down most easily.

Use cooling, pitta-balancing seasonings and toppings on your food, like ground coriander, fresh cilantro, fennel, cumin, turmeric, mint, and lemon or lime juice.

Eat Foods that Boost Liver Strength

These include kale, beet greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, nettles, and comfrey leaf, among other bitter greens.

Beets, carrots, and apples, as well as green vegetables with a lot of chlorophyll in them, are all typically beneficial.

Organic olive, avocado, and sesame oils can all help the liver heal, but they work best after the liver has recovered and oils and fats have been absorbed properly.

Encourage Liver-Friendly Habits

Pitta is closely linked to the liver, so general techniques for balancing pitta help the liver by getting rid of excess heat from the mental, emotional, and physical realms. This is especially accurate during the pitta season (late spring and summer).

Remember that if pitta is high or out of balance, many people may feel like they have to go against what their bodies need in order to reach their goals. If you are aware of this pattern in your own behavior, the best way to stop it is to pay close attention to and genuinely respect your body’s requirements on a daily basis.

By keeping pitta cool and calm throughout the body, the following choices will help the liver:

Sense of Routine And Discipline

Because the brain thrives on routine, sticking to a more rigid schedule can help keep your mind and body calm and centered.

Try to eat at the same time every day, wake up with or even before the sun, and go to bed early (preferably by 10 p.m.).

Keeping Calm

It is better to avoid being in the sun during the hottest part of the day and to prefer being outside in the morning and evening rather than during the middle of the day because the Pitta is not very tolerant of continuous sun exposure.

Protect your skin from excessive sun exposure when you are outside by wearing light, loose-fitting clothing that covers as much of your body as possible. Wear a sun hat and sunglasses since the head and eyes are particularly vulnerable to heat and light.

Applying some cooling essential oils (such as khus or jasmine) to the crown of the head and the six other chakra points during the warmer months will also help to cool the energetic body. You may also lower the water temperature in your shower or bath.

Pitta can be kept in check by wearing and being around a lot of cool colors, like greens, blues, purples, and whites.

Normal and cirrhosis liver

Exercise to Balance the Pitta

Exercise raises the body’s temperature, and if it’s not done right, it can easily upset the liver and pitta.

At midday, which is also typically the hottest time of day, from around 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Pitta is particularly active in the atmosphere. Therefore, midday is not the best time of day to work out.

Exercise is far more beneficial when done between the hours of 6 and 10 in the morning or evening. To keep heat from building up, it’s also important to stick to a pitta-balancing workout plan that isn’t too hard or too easy.

The ideal activities for maintaining pitta balance include walking, hiking, swimming, cycling, and yoga, all of which should be done with a relaxed effort.

Making the Mind-Body Connection a Priority

Ayurveda says that the mind, body, and spirit are all parts of a single, unbreakable whole. So, it is much more effective to care for the full range of things that can affect liver health, including our emotions and general state of mind, while also giving the liver physical support.


This information is for educational purposes only, and no medical advice should be inferred from it. Before changing your diet or adding supplements, please talk to your doctor.

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