Is your website experiencing a decline in traffic, or are your Ranking Is Dipping Low? Here are 25 Potential Causes Why Your Website Search Ranking Is Dipping Low that could explain. Blogs are absolutely necessary for any content marketing plan to be successful. In fact, you may already know the amazing things they can do for your company’s domain authority, search engine optimization (SEO), and lead generation.
Because of this, you might have already established a website for your company and begun blogging immediately, and I am pleased to hear that you did both of these things. On the other hand, if you haven’t taken the time to research the best practices for blogging, it’s probable that you’ve just been going with the flow.
Visits to websites are meant to take place, but the nature of those visits can vary from one website to the next. For example, websites that get a lot of traffic can turn that traffic into money by selling advertising space. Online businesses that do business in the e-commerce space make direct sales when they get a lot of traffic. Some websites might not sell anything at all, or they might be advertising a brand for which the fact that people are looking at their content is enough to count as a success.

You can be responsible for conducting an investigation into the issue and determining how to get things back on track, regardless of whether you are a digital marketer, an SEO specialist, a webmaster, or one of the many other types of stakeholders.
If you have noticed a decrease in visitors and are seeking a solution, the following 22 locations are good places to start looking.
1. Redirects That Aren’t Working
If you don’t have a good 301 redirect plan in place, it’s likely that your rankings will drop when you launch a new website, move to a new server, or change the way your site is built. This is also true if you migrate to a new host.
Broken redirects are the biggest fear of every search engine optimization specialist. If you are going to use a 301 redirect, you need to ensure that your XML sitemaps, canonical tags, and link structures are all changed as well.
A 301 redirect is like a notice on the internet that your physical address has changed. This notice will tell search engines when a page, multiple pages, or your whole website has been archived. You want people who come to your website to be sent to your new address instead of your old one.
A 301 redirect is like a notice on the internet that your physical address has changed. and you won’t get punished for having duplicate material if you handle it correctly. Duplicate content penalties are thus avoided.
2. You Are Keeping an Eye on the Incorrect Rankings
If your website has been up and running for a significant amount of time, it is possible that the keywords you use no longer apply. Think about how you search for things and see how they match up with the keywords shown in the data from your Search Console.
Do you use terms in your field or area of expertise that your potential clients might not know? If so, this could be a problem. There are many people who will search numerous iterations of the same query, but they will not be able to locate an answer or a solution to the problem that they are having.
In recent years, Google’s engineers have become much better at understanding natural language. People can now search using a language that they are more familiar with. If you keep your material simple and easy to understand, it will also be easier to rank for the aforementioned things.
In recent years, this trend has also been noticed by search engines like Google and Bing. They are rating websites based not just on a handful of keywords but also on whole sentences and other components of language that are more natural.
Take a look at your keyword phrases and individual keywords. If you are following the wrong rankings because you are using old or generic keywords, you need to change your strategy and stop following those results.
3. Latest Website Updates & Redesign
The last thing you want to happen if you decide to revamp your website is to lose the traffic and rankings that you have labored so hard to build up. The following are some particular actions that you can take that will not only not harm your rankings but will really boost them:
- Check to make sure that each and every 301 redirect has been mapped out correctly.
- You need to make sure that your new website’s inbound links have the right link structure in order for them to work.
- Get some baseline metrics reports before you launch your new website. Some examples of these statistics are rank trackers, site traffic, and page URL mapping.
If you give your redesign project thorough planning and attention to the important parts that it needs, you won’t hurt your SEO or rankings, and you may even be able to improve them.
4. Missing Links
It’s possible that you’ve lost links, which is another factor that contributed to the decline in your search ranking and traffic. Bring in more customers. Bring in the appropriate spectators. Find opportunities on search engine results pages.
All of this may be done in a single location to make improving your rankings simpler and quicker. It’s possible that your dip in ranks is due to the fact that you’ve lost a significant number of links. Concerning the severed link, you need to inquire further about the following:
- Is the link drop sitewide?
- Are the pages where the links you’ve lost located on the same sites where your site’s rankings have dropped?
- Have there been fewer links pointing to the pages on your site that have dropped in ranking as a result?
- On your website, have you noticed that some of the links to pages that link to other pages that have lower ranks have been removed?
- If any of the links that lead to your website, known as inbound links, are damaged or missing.
You will need to investigate the origin of those connections and the reasons why they are inoperable. After that, you have the option to either remove them, replace them, or keep them.
To figure out what you should do next, you need to check out each link on its own:
- If the links were taken down on purpose, it could mean that they were not natural links, and Google could mark the site as spam and punish it if it hasn’t already. Don’t hold on to these links.
- When a site is updated, sometimes the links become invalid or change. In circumstances like these, you may have a chance of persuading the owner of the site to restore them.
- If the old internal links are changed to new ones that lead to a different source, you can link to the other source.
- Keep in mind that you are free to replace the broken link with new ones that are functional at any time.
It is well worth the time and effort to make an investment in link-monitoring software or other programs that actively track lost connections. This will help prevent lost links from harming your rankings in the future. Because of this, you’ll be able to be proactive and make changes before your ranking goes down.
5. Actions Taken Google
If you notice a sudden and large reduction in the rankings of your website, it may be a sign that Google is penalizing your site. Manual actions are not done as a direct result of algorithmic updates. Instead, they are done by hand.
If your website continues to rank on other search engines like Yahoo or Bing, this is very certainly an indication that you are being penalized by Google.
Whether the penalty was put on by hand or automatically, you will need to fix the problem in order to get rid of it. Examining the notifications that are available within your Google Search Console account is the most effective technique to get started.
Check the warnings section of the messages menu as well as the section on manual actions. You’ll find a list of cases here where a Google employee discovered that specific pages on your website did not comply with their criteria. These pages have been flagged for your attention.

6. Check competitor’s Improvements
It’s possible that you’re doing everything right, yet you’re still experiencing a drop in ranks and traffic despite your efforts. It’s possible that this is happening because your main rival is outperforming you in some way.
Keep an eye on your competitors by researching and keeping track of what they do on social media, how they build links, and how they use content marketing. Using tools like the Wayback Machine or Versionista, you can see what changes your competitors have made.
You can also check to see if they are running their own SEO campaign by using tools that analyze backlink data to determine if there has been an increase in the number of backlinks pointing to their website. Once you have a better understanding of what your rivals have done to rank higher than you, you should implement some of the same adjustments but improve upon them.
7. Variations to the Algorithm
Google is always looking for new ways to improve its methods and the results it gets by making changes to its algorithms. A lot of websites have been hurt by these changes, which has caused their site rankings to drop.
If you don’t want Google’s changes to hurt your business, you need to have a good cross-channel marketing and traffic plan in place that includes social media and other marketing channels.
8. Internal Navigation
Your website’s navigation should explain to visitors what information is available on your website and where they may find it.
Your organization’s internal navigation should ideally take the form of a flat, narrow structure that is no more than two or three tiers deep. Your site visitors are more likely to depart if they have to click too many times before they locate what they are looking for on your website.
It is possible that search engines will stop scanning content hidden deep inside your website if they find it too difficult to access. This will, in turn, cause your rankings to drop, and as a result, less traffic will be sent to the important content portions of your website.
Internal linking techniques are not only important for good SEO, but they are also important for the rest of the strategies you use to keep clients. Internal linking techniques are not only important for good SEO, but they are also important for the rest of the strategies you use to keep clients.
Client retention can be improved, along with other ranking criteria like time on site, by making your internal links and navigation more straightforward and intuitive. If you use keyword-rich internal links, it will be much easier for search engines to figure out what your site is about and whether or not your content is relevant to what people are looking for.
9. Normal Deviations in the Search Process
There are several instances in which you can see a reduction in your search engine rankings that is not the consequence of something that is directly related to your website. These instances can occur at any time. Google often changes the kinds of search results it gives out based on what its users do.
For instance, if there is a rapid surge in the number of searches for a particular subject, Google may bring up more recent results first and push more static content farther down the page. If your material is determined to fall into the second category, you should expect to see a drop in your rating.
You might take a look at Google Trends to determine whether or not there have been any shifts that might account for those differences.
10. Problems with the Server
If your website’s server is giving you trouble, it could be because your caching function isn’t working right or because Googlebot is getting an empty markup. It is really necessary that you fix any server difficulties as fast as possible.
Check the server logs for any issues and make use of the Fetch and Render tool on Google to examine how a particular address on your website is rendered or crawled.
11. Server Overload
Users who share a server are more likely to lose service if another user on the same server suddenly gets a lot of traffic. Most hosting plans will shut down your website if you use more bandwidth than you are allowed. If your website is highlighted on another, more well-known website, you may experience this type of success. If your website is down for a long time, it will hurt its rank in search engines.
12. Other Web Vitals
Google has said that “Cumulative Layout Shift” and other user experience signals and web vitals can affect how they rank your website.
- What kind of experience do users have when they visit your page?
- Does the layout change a lot from time to time?
- Do you see a lot of advertisements?
13. Not properly linking
In terms of both site navigation and search engine optimization (SEO), linking is a valuable strategy. You can get people to look at other parts of your site by putting links to relevant pillar pages or other blogs in your own blogs, which you can also use to link to other blogs. If consumers have a positive user experience when browsing around your site and get the information they’re looking for, they are more likely to trust you and become a lead for your business.
Use Backlinking
Backlinking is an excellent method for search engine optimization (SEO). Backlinking is when an external source links back to a page on your website. This helps you create authority and drives traffic to your website. Backlinking is also known as inbound linking. Backlinking is also known as inbound linking. Backlinks are like “votes” for your website, and search engines will utilize them to raise your page’s position in the search engine results page (SERP).
14. Recent UX-Related Developments at Google
Google will sometimes change the user experience (UX) of its search sites to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for with fewer clicks. Maybe a featured snippet appeared all of a sudden on a major search result, sending people in that direction.
Maybe the click-through rate went up or down because of the results of a search experiment. Check to see which terms have been removed, as well as whether or not anything else has been altered.
15. Differences in Geographical Location
Your ranks will be different based on the region of the world from which the search was conducted. If you examine your rankings in one geographical region, you will need to check them in several other regions to get a clearer and more precise picture of where you stand overall in the rankings.
Have you ever noticed that the results that you get for a particular search can be quite different from the results that someone else gets when they perform the same search? Also, the search results will be different if you do the first search while signing in to your Google account and then do it again after signing out.
Also, the search results will be different if you do the first search while signed in to your Google account and then do it again after signing out. This is because, before showing you your search results, Google will look at the websites you have already visited, as well as your current location and the device you are using.
16. Page Speed
Not only can the speed at which the material on your site loads affect your rankings, but it will also affect the user experience that your website visitors have. Bounce rates increase when pages take longer to load because visitors don’t want to wait to read the material you’ve posted on your website.
Use the brand-new and much better PageSpeed Tool from Google to find out how quickly your website loads. Real data from users was incorporated into the updated version of the tool. The speed at which a page loads is what determines whether it is fast, slow, or average.
17. Links of Poor Quality
It’s not true that all links have the same value. Google will punish your website if you build links with methods that are seen as spammy, dangerous, or old. In the first paragraph of the Link Schemes section of the help center for Google’s search console, Google makes it very clear what kinds of links the company considers to be of low quality:
It’s possible that any links that try to change a website’s PageRank or its position in Google’s search results could be considered part of a link scheme, which is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any action that manipulates links to your website or links that leave your website in search engine results.
Putting in the work to make a high-quality link-building plan is the best way to avoid getting penalized by Google and get more traffic from organic search results. The following are some suggestions for developing strong links:
- Create fresh and useful links to replace the damaged ones in your network.
- Make use of public relations in order to get acknowledged in either internet content or a news piece.
- Provide outstanding material and put a lot of effort into promoting it on social media so that people can find it.

18. Origin of the Traffic
The traffic that comes to your website takes into account not only the number of people that visit your site but also the number of pages that are clicked on and the length of time that is spent on each page.
Traffic can originate from a variety of sources, including the following:
- Email marketing
- Referrals
- Route vehicular traffic
- Natural or organic search
- Paid search results
- Social media
19. Problems of a Simplified Technological Nature
Technical SEO looks at the technical foundation of your website to figure out how healthy it is as a whole. It is a term for work done on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) that influences how search engines crawl and index your material.
Check out our article on the most common technical SEO mistakes and how severe they might be. addressing some of the most common problems that could affect how many people visit your site and where it ranks. If you are familiar with the technical aspects of SEO, you can take better care of your website and maintain a higher ranking for it.
Some of the most basic problems that can keep you from ranking are problems with the technical parts of your SEO.
20. Correct Meta
Meta information, often known as “meta tags,” is used to communicate with search engines about the content that a website offers. The title tag is one of the most essential pieces of metadata that you can use to improve your search engine optimization rankings. Headers and meta descriptions are two more types of meta information that can help your website rank higher.
While you are providing your meta information, try to avoid being inconsistent. For instance, if you modify the publication date of an article on your website, you should also update the date that appears in the meta description. You should try to avoid duplicating your meta information and use titles that are meaningless and general, such as “Home.”
You should use title tags that are more detailed and have your main keyword in them.
only will your users become confused if you use the same title for many pages, but you will also end up competing with yourself in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
Which one is the most advantageous?
The source of traffic that generates the highest level of engagement, the lowest rate of bounces, and the most conversions is the one that should be prioritized.
There’s a chance that your traffic from sources other than organic search will go down. For instance, if there has been a modification made to the way in which links are handled on Twitter or Facebook,
When someone inserts your URL into an address bar, this is considered direct traffic. Even if this doesn’t have a big effect on rankings, it’s still important because, repeat visitors to your website do so because they are familiar with your brand and covet the products or services that you provide.
When you are already acknowledged as a knowledgeable professional in your field, people in your target market go to your website because they are familiar with your brand. Direct traffic is an independent source of visitors because it is not impacted by changes made to social media platforms or to Google.
In the dashboard of your Google Analytics account, you will find a section for tracking the statistics of your direct traffic. If you want to get more direct traffic, you should work on making your brand stand out and be easy to recognize. Give your site visitors a steady stream of useful information and good advice. This will show them that you are an expert in your field.
21. Time spent on the Site
Your search rankings may be affected by the level of user involvement you receive. Two of the metrics that can be measured with relative ease within Google Analytics are the “bounce rate” and the “average time spent on your web pages.”
Although these metrics are not directly used to determine rankings, they do show whether or not you are providing a positive experience for the people who are using your website. Would you like to lower your high bounce rate? Check out these 20 proven strategies that will help reduce the high bounce rate on your website.
Do you want people to spend more time reading the material you create? Read on for three helpful hints that can extend the amount of time people spend reading your content.
22. Duplicate Content
Google’s definition of duplicate content is “large blocks of content that appear on different domains or within the same domain and are either very similar to or exactly the same as other content.” ent.
This isn’t always a bad or dishonest thing to do, and it doesn’t always hurt your search engine rankings.
Your website will get a penalty if it looks like the content on it is being copied on purpose to change its rankings and get more traffic. It might imply that your content competes with other people’s material for the same queries, and if Google believes a query should have more variety, it could punish one of the pages that are competing for that query.
Your rankings will take a hit, and in the worst-case scenario, Google may remove your site entirely from its index. It is no longer going to be found through searches.
23. You’re Utilizing Outdated Clickbait Tactics
Even though there are still ways, like lists, that work to get people to visit your website, users may get tired of these methods and decide not to click on your links.
24. The titles you’ve chosen aren’t very interesting.
If the titles of your blog posts are not fascinating enough, you won’t receive the level of interaction and traffic that you desire. You need a captivating title that draws the attention of the reader. Here are some helpful hints for generating catchy titles for blog posts:
Clarify the value: Ensure that the title of your blog post explains to the reader what the blog will be about as well as the value that they will receive from reading it. Which problem are you hoping to find a solution to?
Make it memorable by including an alliteration, a play on words, or a statement that is controversial in order to draw the attention of the readers. In addition, questions and instructions on what to do are effective strategies to get their attention. Include your keyword in the title if it can be worked in organically. This is a great place to insert your keyword. Your post’s SEO will improve as a result of this.
Keep it under 65 characters. Long titles can be hard to read, but they can also be hard for search engines to understand. When your title has 65 characters, search engines will start to cut it off.
25. Research on potential keywords isn’t being done by you.
Doing research on appropriate keywords is one of the most significant things you can do to drive visitors to your new site. An essential component of search engine optimization (SEO), keyword research entails figuring out the most common terms and expressions that people type into search engines.
When you know what individuals are looking for, you are able to predict which topics will be of interest. By writing about the above keyword topics in your blogs, you can show that you are a reliable source of information and move up on search engine results pages (SERPs). d subjects.
Use a relevant keyword a few times on your site, in places where it makes sense, like the title, headings, paragraphs, and/or meta description. This will help search engines better understand what your blog is about. On the other hand, it is essential to steer clear of “keyword stuffing,” which refers to the practice of utilizing a keyword in the material so frequently that it gives the impression that the content is spam to search engines. Your ranking on the search engine results page will suffer as a result.
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Bottom line:
Make Sure That You Safeguard Your Precious Search Ranking And Traffic. However having said this, there is no easy way to boost the number of visitors to your website. You will need to invest a lot of time and effort if you want to increase your website’s exposure in search engine results.
If you try to save money by using questionable methods, you might end up with a low search ranking and less traffic, which are both bad things. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices is important if you want to increase your online visibility and grow your business.