In Pursuit Of Happiness – The Brain Factor

In Pursuit Of Happiness - The Brain Factor

An eight-letter word H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S is the most sought after word that all humans crave. Isn’t it true that from the time we grow our senses until the point of our own understanding and thoughts, we all look forward to a happy and fulfilling life. We as human beings relentlessly strive for that single word Happiness or even better in pursuit of happiness. to get into us and stay forever.

Is it true, then, that we are all miserable, and if so, why is that? Why are we all so depressed when we have everything going for us, including incredible technology. We’ve been exceedingly clever and have gone so far as to rule the planets, with the added benefit of having little regard for our surroundings or nature. Over millennia, we have progressed and evolved in leaps and bounds, achieving many accomplishments and providing greater conveniences for us to live a happy and beautiful existence. If we consider the dangers and challenges that mankind faced some 2000 years ago, we are a far better lot today because we have produced everything we need to live happy and safe lives, (even if it comes at a cost to our mother planet,) then why are we still unhappy?

What is Happinessin true sense

Joy, pleasure, contentment, and fulfilment describe happiness as a psychological response. While there are many various definitions of happiness, it is frequently described as involving positive emotions and a sense of fulfilment in life.

When most people talk about happiness, they may be responding to how they truly feel presently, or they may be pointing to a broader sense of how they feel about life in general.

Because happiness is such a broad phrase, psychologists and other social scientists commonly refer to this emotional state as “subjective well-being.” Subjective well-being, as the name implies, is concerned with an individual’s overall personal feelings about their current situation.
The following are two important aspects of happiness (or subjective well-being):

Emotional equilibrium: Everyone has positive and negative emotions, feelings, and moods. Happiness is usually associated with having more pleasant feelings than negative ones.

Happiness levels:  Happiness levels refers to how content you are with various aspects of your life, such as your relationships, career, accomplishments, and other essential factors.

Why happiness eludes the Humans

Ponder for a while, and get out on the street and take a look around. Do you notice any smiling faces in the midst of the throngs of people? “No,” without a doubt. I began to consider when was the last time I was truly content. I couldn’t recall since, while I had been joyful at the time, it had been a fleeting moment and my fears had taken over. The happiness I desired to last a lifetime never lasted long enough for me to appreciate it. So, was I truly happy or was it all an illusion?

Last summer, I was on vacation at a secluded beach when I noticed two little children, approximately two to three years old, gathering broken shells and pebbles in the sand. I could see the genuine joy in their expressions, which was exactly what I was looking for. The next thing I saw was their mother and father on the beach, soaking in the rays but with no evidence of ” True Happiness” on their faces.

As if it were a bolt of lightning, I received my answer from the universe. “Until our senses are fully developed, we do not have any desires, and this is the basic reason of True Happiness.” Because desires are limitless, they suffocate enjoyment. We are ecstatic for a short time after accomplishing something, yet the next minute we are wanting for more.

As a result, we lose sight of our joy. We begin to pursue our next passion and shut out the issues that are depriving us of pleasure. You can’t avoid this chaotic process since our human software has been set to react to it, and we’re all motivated by passion, impulses, cravings, and a desire for more. Very correctly the phrase goes, “Yeh Dil Mange More.” ( Our heart keeps asking for more.)

True Happiness

How To Derive Long-lasting Happiness

Having understood the root cause of not being happy, let us now delve into how to condition our software in order to be happy.

1. Sense of Fulfillment.

Instead of seeking more, try to persuade your senses to accept that you already have what you desire. This does not imply that you should stop working. You must work, but do not fall into the rat race or the manic hurry to which you are accustomed. Take time to experience and ingest this pleasure to your inner self, and enjoy every bit of the work you’re performing. Try to see the joy of your work’s completion and grin to yourself. Get a sense of fulfilment and joy, and express it as if you were a child.

2. Do What Makes You Happy.

Always do what is most comfortable for you. Do not be compelled to do anything you despise, even if it appears to be financially rewarding or advantageous to your career advancement. We’re all in it for the money, and we’re all trying to outdo each other in order to gain a raise or a promotion at work. Our bodies are so scientifically programmed that when they are overcharged, they secrete specific chemicals into our systems, which eventually leads to depression. Many families have been broken and divorced as a result of their inability to cope with achievement due to the stress linked with so-called success.

3. Look Inward and Not Outward.

We all have a proclivity to compare ourselves to others and strive to outshine one another. We invite rage, envy, mistreatment, greed, deception, corruption, cunningness, and incompetence while doing so. This is a natural occurrence because we take pleasure in knowing that we are better situated than our peers. However, this state of well-being will never guarantee happiness in our lives. As a result, don’t gaze outward because comparing only adds to your pain.

Looking inside, on the other hand, you will only see yourself and what you have accomplished thus far. Because it is you and your accomplishments that will bring you true happiness. There is peace and calmness embedded within you, two essential ingredients for happiness. You will find your surroundings would be blissful, and the mood will be peaceful. That is the allure of introspection.

4. Learn To Give And Forgive

The human brain is in a constant state of restlessness. It can’t just sit around and do nothing. Hence, It can’t be contained in a cage or kept within the confines of a fence. It was created with the intention of achieving infinity and boundless possibilities. As a result, we are constantly looking for new information. Instead of providing comfort, this eventually leads to tiredness and melancholy. In order to calm your thinking, start doing the polar opposite.

Keep your mind and senses under your control. You can achieve more and more by inverting the premise. Begin to give, and keep giving, trying to help the less fortunate with both your physical possessions and your goodwill. Begin assisting the poor with whatever you have, and watch how this gratitude turns into a fortune of happiness. True happiness can only be thus found.  Allow yourself to forgive others if they have caused you harm. Shower everyone with well wishes, abundance love and affection, including your less-than-loved ones if you have any.

5. Meditation.

To perceive Joy and Happiness, meditate every day at any time that is convenient for you. Never try to impose meditation on yourself because it will never work. Meditation does not imply emptying your mind or closing your eyes and staring into space. You should sit comfortably and at ease, and attempt to spend some time alone with yourself. Simply focusing on the source of your own being, or the energy that keeps you alive will put a stop to your thoughts. For example, because breathing is the source of your existence, you can concentrate on the in and out of your breathing.

Meditation has nothing to do with any one religion or god. However, if you believe that God is the essence of life and that you must focus on that essence, that is wonderful and perfect. Meditation allows your mind to relax and manage your otherwise restless thoughts. When you learn to regulate your mind, happiness comes naturally.

6. Spirituality.

Spirituality does not include becoming a Sadhu or a Saniyasi, nor does it imply abandoning your family and wandering through the woods. It is the ability to transcend the physical realm. It’s yet another instrument that has nothing to do with religion or any specific God. It has nothing to do with occult practises or adhering to a certain sect. You don’t have to wear saffron-coloured robes or chant mantras or shlokas to find bliss.

Something more blooms within you if you cultivate your body, intellect, feelings, and impulses to a particular level of maturity — this is spirituality. When your reasoning is immature, it begins to question everything. When your rationale matures, it perceives the world through a different lens. Once you’ve accomplished this, you’ll experience true bliss that will last a lifetime. You don’t have to go back very far to find happiness.



The majority of individuals are unhappy not because of what they lack. It’s because they’re comparing themselves to another person. You walk into your friend’s palatial building and immediately feel miserable since your mind begins to compare your living conditions to those of your friend. On the other hand, you never notice the hardship of some of your friends who do not appear to have the same conveniences or living standards as you. Though it is a silly game, we all participate in it.

Those who rely on external circumstances to be happy will never experience true happiness in their existence. It is past time for us to turn inward and consider how we might achieve personal well-being. You may tell from your own life experience that true happiness will only occur if your interiority transforms.

If you rely on the outside world to provide you with happiness, you must understand that things rarely go as planned. You will not be able to accomplish your wishes if this is the case. If you do end up the way you intended to be, joy will be present for a brief moment, but it will not stay long enough to provide you with limitless pleasure that you would like to remember for the rest of your life. However, if you go inward and act solely for yourself, without regard for others, you will discover that what you seek isn’t something you must pursue. Only by returning to your core nature will you be able to experience joy.

The quality of your life is no longer determined by what you wear, your educational qualifications, your family history, or your bank account. Rather, it is determined by how calm and happy you are within yourself. A person who is physically miserable as a result of a lack of food and basic survival essentials is unquestionably wretched. This is an issue that must be addressed. For such people, we must first address these difficulties. 

The vast majority of people, on the other hand, have an endless list of requirements. Do you think the person in the car is happier than the person on the street? No. It makes no difference what you have. It depends on their current situation and the state that they are in. When given the option, people choose to take the more difficult path. We often miss out on happiness in order to pursue it. Isn’t that so?

Disclaimer: The author’s views are his or her own. The facts and opinions in the article have been taken from various articles and commentaries available in the online media and Eastside Writers does do not take any responsibility or obligation for them.

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Originally posted 2022-01-02 05:12:12.

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