Freelance Blogging is one of the finest methods to generate money through online or over the Internet. A self-employed writer is referred to as a freelance writer. They can work for a single journal or, more commonly, for a number of different magazines at the same time. The more varied a writer’s work is, the more likely they will be published and compensated for it.

When you work as a freelance blogger, you are paid to write blog entries for customers.A client could, for example, engage a freelance blogger to publish a blog article titled “How to Make Money with Email Marketing.”
As a freelance blogger, you would conduct research, compose the blog article, submit it for review, and then be paid.
In addition to blog writing, freelance bloggers can provide services such as keyword research, creating featured photos for posts, uploading the blog post straight to the client’s website, and more.
You don’t have to provide these extra services; instead, focus on writing posts.
However, by charging extra for these services, you can enhance your freelance blogging rate. Furthermore, these services are appealing to potential consumers because you would handle everything, leaving the client with no worries.
The Advantages
Because there is no regular, monthly paycheck, sick or holiday pay to fall back on, being a freelancer necessitates a certain level of self-reliance, and it is not for everyone. However, any writer who is gutsy enough to go freelance will reap great rewards.
They can leave the daily 9 to 5 behind because they may choose their own hours and select who they work for. So, if they want to, freelance writers can only write about dog training, cats, knitting, backpacking, and so on; But they don’t have to commute because most freelance writers use a room in their home as an office; they can tailor their work environment to their own needs with daylight simulation bulbs, ergonomic furniture, and so on; they can take vacations without having to work around colleagues; and they can choose how many hours they’d like to work.
The Earning Potential
You can earn a decent amount as a freelance content writer in India and across the world. In this article, I will tell you not only how much you can earn (which will come at the latter part), but what actually makes you earn more. Following are the factors that will make you earn more:

# Writing skills and expertise.
Data entry jobs will not fetch you much. So, if you are doing this sort of work the earnings would be meagre. However, if you are a creative content writer following the latest trends and your skills are in demand you will earn a really handsome amount.
# Quality of Writing.
Much depends upon the quality of your work. Agencies or organisations will not prefer to give you a fresh piece of work if they are not satisfied with the quality of your previous work. If you are highly efficient in communicating in your chosen language having exceptional writing skills, then there is no bar and the sky’s the limit for you in earnings.
# Experience in writing.
Experience holds the key to your earnings. It goes a long way to increase your earnings many folds. As you write, over a period of time you learn the tricks of professional writing and presentation which will multiply your earnings.
# Discipline in writing.
Discipline and timeliness is a very vital factor to have a good score as a professional writer. Not only Quality matters but to finish the work in the given time is tantamount to getting highly paid. You can beat the crowd if you are disciplined and dedicated.
#Searching Clients to acquire fresh Orders.
You have to hone the skills to find good clients or financially sound start-ups to acquire new orders. One thing you must remember that there is no dearth of good professional freelancers. Good communication skills and showcasing your good work will help you in bargaining a better deal.
# Location.
If you are working for Indian clients then clients from Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Kolkata and a few other commercial hubs, will pay you more. If you are having clients from the USA, UK, or other European countries then your earnings increase quite a fold. So always try to have clients based abroad. Working for international clients not only fetch you a good income but boost your confidence considerably.
#Being Lucky.
To be at the right place at the right time is what I mean by the term “ Being Lucky”. Yes, Luck is a great factor to get a high return. You may try your best to get a high paying job but end up with petty jobs with a meagre income. Then suddenly your luck clicks and you get hold of a great client offering you your dream job with hefty pay.

Now, let me take you through your most heart throbbing question: how much you can earn as a freelance content writer?
For a newbie:
For someone who has just started as a fresher or a newcomer in this field, in India, he or she can earn from zero rupees (unpaid internship) to an average of 2 to 3 rupees per word. However, these types of jobs are simpler in nature but you get lots of experience as a starter doing this kind of work.
For a grower:
A freelancer having 2 to 4 yrs of experience and having a hold overwriting with great communication skills to negotiate with clients will earn in the range of 4rupees to 7 rupees per word. There is no dearth of good clients who requires good writers with a creative edge who is willing to pay even more.
For an expert:
For an expert in this domain, having created a fame of himself or herself in this segment, can generate up to 15 rs per word. They generally are book writers and mostly write on a particular niche, having created a well-defined space for themselves in the industry.

Much of your earnings depend upon the types of clients that you choose. Clients can be classified broadly into four categories:
- Content mills.
- Marketing agencies.
- Start-up firms.
- Big banner Or MNC’s
Content mills:
Content mills will pay you the least. To a fresher, they will pay 10 paise to 20 paise per word. For the sake of experience, it is a good choice. It could be used as a stepping stone to settle down. A lot can be learned and gathered to build up your portfolio. As a Freelance Blogger once a good portfolio is built you can showcase it for getting high paid jobs from marketing agencies. Writing for content mills often turns out to be tedious and gruesome but nevertheless rewarding for a newbie.
Marketing agencies:
Marketing agencies will pay you much better than the content mills, but for that, you need to have a good portfolio with at least 30 odds articles approved by the content mills. Once you have a good portfolio you can start applying to various marketing agencies. They will pay you on an average from 1.50 rupees to a maximum of 3.0 rupees per word.
Start-up firms:
Start-up Firms are better paymasters as they are externally funded and capital-rich. To receive orders from them you must have a very strong and impressive portfolio that will highlight your writing skills and convince your employer. Working as a freelance blogger for over 2 years would help you to build such a powerful and convincing portfolio which will fetch you roughly 4rupees up to even 8 rupees per word.

Big banners or MNCs:
will undoubtedly pay you the highest. They always prefer to source it from the trusted sources. You should not only have a very strong portfolio but have already created a space for yourself as a top-rated freelancer. You have to be famous in your niche and should have received lots of appreciation and accolades.
Certifications from various organisations and a stellar LinkedIn profile will be an added advantage to receive orders from Multinational Companies. You can now broaden your horizon and start to project yourself to companies in the USA and other European countries. You may end up from 9 rupees to the extent of 18 rupees per word.
To conclude, I would say once you start there is no looking back. There will be progressive growth over time if you are consistent. Rome was not built in a day. If writing is your passion and you are dedicated and disciplined you will earn a great lot. There are freelancers who are earning at the turn of 1 to 2 lakh per month. It’s finally all up to you how much you can earn from yourself as a freelance Blogger/content writer.
Originally posted 2021-04-19 12:06:34.