The Different Stages Of One’s Life In Indian Ashram And Its Significance

What is an Ashram: The term "ashram" is derived from the verb root "श्रम्", which means "to strive hard or exert effort." It is the second most important Hindu social…

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Subtle Bodies-The Importance And Consequences Of Subtle Body

The subtle body is characterised in the Bhagavad Gita as a combination of the mind, intellect, and ego, and it is the subtle body that controls the bodily. The yogi…

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The Divergent Paths of Adolescent Phase: Navigating the Spectrum of Obsession and Ambition in Growing Boys

The adolescent Phase is often a tumultuous time, characterized by significant changes physically, emotionally, and socially. For boys, this period is especially marked by a heightened awareness of their surroundings…

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