For the astrological chart of an event, city, or country, you need a specific date, like when a contract was signed or when a political or geographical entity was formed. Astrology can be used to predict events, places, relationships between people, and especially one’s own horoscope. A natal chart is created and interpreted in the same way as a person’s natal chart when making predictions about their future.
For a couple, the procedure is a little more involved. But the same ways of making predictions A lunar revolution is another term for the re-entry of the moon into its orbit. These methods are fairly new, and they are based on the idea that a new chart should be made when the sun and the moon return to where they were when they were born.
The Predictive Methods
For a couple, the procedure is a little more involved. But the same ways of making predictions are used, with the extra step of comparing the charts of the partners. The Four Major Predictive Methods are Solar and Lunar Returns, Progression, Horary, and Transits.
The underlying idea is that astrology has no place in making reliable predictions. All astrology can do is give you a rough idea of how you’re going to feel or what’s going to happen to you. Feelings are likely to materialize when transits, solar revolutions, or directions form significant aspects; real worry should be placed on transit times.

Impact Of Transits
When it comes to the impact of transits, French astrologer Hades’ views are not universally shared by Astrotheme. But his idea is interesting enough to discuss. He proposed that we put ourselves in the setting of an airport. To visualize a transit, just think of an airplane landing or taking off. We can think of the solar revolution and the directions represented by the ticket we have in our pocket.
Without a ticket (which can represent a solar revolution, a secondary direction, or a symbolic direction), we will not board the plane (representing a transit), and the event will not take place. As an extra rule, the event predicted by the method must fit with the big picture of the natal chart.
For example, a lifelong bachelor would never marry seven times like director Roger Vadim did, no matter how many astrological aspects point to marriage in his chart. It’s the same in every aspect of life. If it isn’t written into the framework of the natal chart, it didn’t happen.
The Sun and the Moon Have Both Undergone Radical Change
Alternatively known as the solar revolution (SR) method, A lunar revolution is another term for the re-entry of the moon into its orbit. These approaches are relatively new, and they are based on the notion that a new chart should be constructed at the time when the sun and the moon return to their natal positions.
For the SR, for example, a birth chart is crafted with the exact date, time, and location of the native at the time of his birth. Similar to the natal chart, the Sun’s placement in the return chart is also spot on. Once the SR chart is calculated, it is interpreted as if it were a new natal chart, with the caveat that it is only good for the current calendar year.
Over the course of a year, from one birthday to the next, the overarching themes can be uncovered, as can the overall tense or harmonious energies that are likely to manifest during that time. In the same way, the natal chart and the return chart must be compared and contrasted so that factors that are similar can be figured out. It’s important to note that the nature of the return chart makes it impossible to put dates on events that happened in the year in question.
The Advancements
Individual planets advance by one day for every year spent alive. We redrew the map to reflect the new coordinates. Because the outer planets (Jupiter through Pluto) are more important now, transits and SR techniques are better than this ancient method. The other reason is that the positions of the outer planets don’t change much over a person’s lifetime. So, progressions are usually seen as a way to look at the slow and deep changes in a person’s personality, not as a way to predict specific things that will happen in the future.
The Progression Charts ( Directions):
The progressions, also known as symbolic directions, are the simplest to compute thanks to the following formula: for every degree that the Sun travels through the Zodiac, a year passes in a person’s life. Planetary progressions are used to figure out the possible relationships between progressed planets and natal planets and what they mean.
The directions of the progressions or solar arcs are very similar to those of the symbolic progressions we talked about above. The only difference is that the sun doesn’t move exactly one degree across the sky over the course of a human life. At the time of birth, the actual motion is used as a point of reference. The entire natal chart is advanced in time by X years, or the number of times the Sun moves in a day.
One day in the ephemeris represents one year of life, and this is one of the secondary progressions or directions. To rephrase, the chart determined that X years of age correspond to X days after birth.
The secondary converse progressions and directions are the opposite of the progressions and directions we just talked about. Here, X prenatal days are equivalent to X years of age, as shown by the accompanying chart.
The ratio of one lunar month to one solar year is used to figure out the tertiary progressions, directions, and rectifications. The age of X years is represented on the chart as X months after birth.
In the cardinal directions, one degree of the zodiac’s equator represents one year. This method is harder to explain because it depends on the type of home system chosen, which is usually either Campanus, Placidus, or Regiomontanus. There are two types of primary directions for house transits: positive and negative.
The astrological literature provides support for all these techniques of foresight. When the exact time of birth is known, they can produce remarkably precise results. Still, you need to be very careful because statistical studies haven’t been done on them for years.
Daily Horoscopes And Charts
What this ancient method is ultimately meant to resolve is a specific question. On a chart, the place and time when the respondent thinks of his question are plotted. Rules have been established by which the interpretation must be performed. The unique method of predictive astrology appears to be effective. But it’s still hard to do because the results of recent studies haven’t been fully written down.
All About Transits
Even though the Solar Revolution has many devoted supporters, it is still the most popular of all the predictive methods. The term “transit” refers to when a planet moves through the zodiac and crosses an important degree in a person’s birth chart (whether an angle or a planet). These important natal points can form aspects of transiting planets.
With this method, you can predict major events or at least get a general idea of what they will be like based on the astrological houses into which the relevant planetary aspects fall and the planets that rule those houses. When a transit activates a natal planet that moves quickly, the effect is much deeper and more personal than when an outer natal planet is activated. The effects of a fast-moving planet at birth are likely to be felt strongly.
Astrologers pay close attention to the angles made by transiting outer planets when trying to find important events. This is because they stay in the same place longer, and their effects reach the most important parts of the birth chart more deeply.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto’s transits often bring about big changes in people’s lives. Saturn and Jupiter also have big effects.
When faraway planets move backward, their influence grows in proportion to how long they move backward. As they are removed from Earth, the planets can move backward along their orbit and return to their starting position.
Transit Charts and Techniques
The transit technique is similar to the evaluation of natal chart aspects in that it looks at the relationships between planets in transit (planets at the time of the analysis) and important points in the natal chart, but with a much smaller orb of one degree. The forecast for the selected time period relies on the interpretation of such factors.
Transits of fast-moving planets (Mercury through Mars) are often used to pinpoint the exact times when certain events will happen, making predictions more accurate. As a small extra factor, the moon can sometimes, for a few hours, turn on a certain point of the birth chart. The results of the transit method are usually extremely tangible.

When combined with the Solar Revolution approach, it becomes a very useful tool for looking into the future. Astrologers must always proceed with extreme caution because they frequently fail to remember that nothing can happen if it is not promised in the natal chart. Such lapses frequently lead to incorrect diagnoses. The new aspects that repeat old aspects in the birth chart show how important events and inner experiences are. If this is not the case, the effects of newly formed aspects are weakened.
Finally, it is critical to emphasize that not everyone reacts the same way to transit. Some people feel them on the inside, while others have external experiences. A natal chart analysis can reveal whether the northern or southern hemisphere is more important.
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