SEO content writing requires an understanding of analytics and the ability to write high-quality copy. It is a synthesis of data science and art.

Do you want to learn how to increase traffic to your website? Who among us does not! As a blogger, you want your site to rank well on Google and appear in the search results for all relevant terms.
If you already have a blog, you probably understand the value of business blogging. However, are you aware of how to optimise your blog posts for search engines? The truth is that many bloggers fail to capitalise on their blogs’ enormous marketing potential.
Indeed, a recent study by found that while roughly 60% of businesses have blogs, 65% of blog owners haven’t updated in a year! By creating fresh, relevant content and optimising your blog posts on a basic level, you can take advantage of the numerous benefits that blogging has to offer.
SEO Industry
The search engine optimization industry is worth $80 billion. Numerous readers have requested that we share tips on how to optimise blog posts for SEO in order to improve their search rankings.
While the optimal time to optimise your blog content (writing) for SEO is when it is being created, you can always go back and improve older articles.
Blog SEO is critical because it enables you to consistently increase the amount of traffic to your website. There are numerous ways to optimise your blog posts for search engines.
We’ll share our best blog content writing services SEO tips in this article to help you optimise your blog posts for SEO like a pro. These are the strategies we employ on our own blogs, which receive millions of visitors as a result of search engine traffic.
What is search engine optimization content writing?
SEO (search engine optimization) is an abbreviation for search engine optimization. It is a set of rules for optimising your website in order to achieve a higher ranking in the organic search results of search engines. Seo is the procedure to follow in order to increase your website’s visibility in search engines and generate more traffic.
It refers to the process of writing content in such a way that it begins to rank higher for related keyword searches. You incorporate keywords into the title of the web page or blog post content writing services and then strategically incorporate them throughout the content. In an ideal world, your content would be optimised for both search engines and humans.
SEO, or search engine optimization, is critical for marketers. When you optimise your web pages — including your blog posts (for example if you are a content writing service provider, in such case your content writing services) — you increase your website’s visibility to people who use search engines like Google to enter keywords associated with your product or service.
Objectives of SEO
SEO has two primary objectives. The first objective is to assist you in comprehending what users are searching for online in order to create high-quality content that satisfies their intent. The second objective is to assist you in developing a website that search engines can discover, index, and understand.
Additionally, adhering to sound SEO practices is an excellent way to improve a website’s quality by making it more user-friendly, faster, and easier to navigate. SEO can be thought of as a comprehensive framework, as the entire process is governed by a set of rules (or guidelines), a series of stages, and a set of controls.
Every day, millions of users use search engines to find answers to their questions or solutions to their problems. If you have a website, blog, or online store, search engine optimization (SEO) can assist you in obtaining free targeted traffic from search engines.
Importance of SEO

The overwhelming majority of search engine users, more than 70% are more likely to click on one of the top five suggestions on search engine results pages (SERPS).
Identifying the terms that users use to search for your products and services
Producing content that satisfies users
Using various SEO techniques to send the appropriate signals to search engine crawlers and algorithms
To capitalise on this and attract visitors to your website or customers to your online store, your website must rank in the top positions.
SEO is not solely about search engines; effective SEO practices also improve a website’s user experience and usability.
Users trust search engines and having a website rank in the top positions for the keywords the user searches builds trust in the website.
Benifits of SEO
SEO is beneficial for the social media promotion of your website. Individuals who discover your website via Google or Bing are more likely to share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms.
SEO is critical to the smooth operation of a large website. SEO benefits websites with multiple authors in both direct and indirect ways. Their direct benefit is an increase in organic traffic, while their indirect benefit is having a standardised framework (checklists) to follow when creating new content writing for the site.
SEO can help you stay one step ahead of the competition. If two websites sell the same thing, the one that is optimised for search engines is more likely to attract more visitors and generate more sales.
Defining critical SEO terms
Anchor text: The words or phrases that are hyperlinked and direct visitors to other web pages.
Backlink: A backlink is a link that points to another page, either internally or externally.
Organic traffic: Organic traffic refers to users who found your site through a search engine of their own volition, rather than through paid advertisements or other websites.
Click-through rate: The percentage of clicks on a SERP result relative to the number of times that result was displayed to searchers.
Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are a collection of keywords or phrases that are typically between three and six words in length. Long-tail terms are more specific and receive fewer queries than broad, generic terms. Consider the difference between “basketball shoes” and “2019 basketball shoes for sale Colorado.”
SERPS: SERPs are abbreviations for search engine results pages. In other words, the Google page that displays all of the results returned by a query.
A meta description:
Brief summary of a webpage that appears in the SERPs – typically 160 characters – in order to entice searchers to click on a result.
Title tag:
The title tag is the text that appears in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and on browser tabs.
Search queries:
It is the terms entered or spoken into search engines by users.
Pageviews per Session:
The number of pages viewed by each user during a single session before exiting the site.
Search volume:
The number of times a term is searched per month.
Conversion rate:
The percentage of visitors who complete an action (a click, a purchase, etc.) divided by the total number of visitors to that page.
SERP position:
SERP position means Google’s exact ranking. For example, Position 12 would refer to Google’s Page 2, as only the top ten listings typically appear on Page 1.
Structured data (schema):
The way on-page SEO elements such as metadata, keywords, and HTML are formatted. Structured data enables search engines to crawl and index pages more easily.
Ranking factors:
The broad components that search engine algorithms take into account when determining which pages should rank higher than others.
Page and Domain Authority:
On a scale of 1-100, page and domain authority scores indicate how “authoritative” a page or site is.
The number of times a particular page has been viewed.
Organic keyword difficulty:
On a scale of 1-100, this metric indicates how easy or difficult it will be to rank for a given keyword in an organic search.
Guide to SEO for a Newbie
For those unfamiliar with SEO, the preceding definition may appear complicated.
In simpler terms, search engine optimization is a process of optimizing your website so that it appears near the top of Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines’ results pages.
When you conduct a Google search, the order in which the returned results are displayed is determined by complex algorithms.
These algorithms (also known as search engine ranking factors) consider a number of factors before determining which web page will be displayed in the first, second, or third position.
By optimising your website for search engines, you gain a competitive edge over non-optimized websites and increase your chances of ranking higher.
What are the primary stages of the SEO process?
As previously stated, SEO is not a one-time event but rather a framework of rules and processes.
However, for the sake of simplicity, SEO can be classified into three broad categories:
Technical SEO: Technical SEO enables search engines to crawl and index your website without encountering any issues.
On-site SEO: refers to the rules that apply to your website and its content in order to make them search engine friendly.
Off-site SEO: Techniques for promoting your website or blog in order to improve its search engine ranking.
SEO for technical purposes
Technical SEO is the first stage of the SEO process. Technical SEO, as the name implies, has nothing to do with the actual content of a website or its promotion methods.
It has to do with the settings that must be configured to facilitate the work of search engine crawlers. Generally, once you’ve mastered technical SEO, you won’t have to deal with it again.
On the other hand, if you experience issues with crawling and indexing, this can have a detrimental effect on your rankings.
On-site search engine optimization
On-Page SEO is the second stage. On-Page SEO focuses on the content and other elements on a page.
Unlike technical and off-page SEO, on-page SEO’s primary objective is to provide search engine crawlers with sufficient signals to comprehend the meaning and context of your content.
Bear in mind that search engines do not read a page in the same way that humans do, and thus they are looking for signals to determine the purpose of a page.
This stage will cover website structure, SEO keywords, title optimization, headings, internal links, image SEO, structured data markup, and other techniques that can send the appropriate signals to search engines.
On-page SEO, when done correctly, will also improve a website’s or blog’s usability and credibility.
Take note that while content optimisation is a subset of on-page SEO, it is occasionally referred to as Content SEO.

Off-site search engine optimisation
Off-Page SEO is the third stage.
Apart from the changes you can make to your website (on-site SEO) to improve its ranking in the SERPs, another way to boost your website’s ranking is through off-site SEO techniques.
Off-site SEO is commonly referred to as link building, but I prefer to refer to it as website promotion because properly promoting a website entails many more methods and techniques than link building.
What is the significance of off-page SEO?
When a user types a search query, search engine algorithms examine their index and attempt to locate the best pages that satisfy the user’s intent.
Pages that are likely candidates appear at the top of the search results page.
The number of incoming links is one of the factors used to determine a webpage’s position in the search results (backlinks).
Backlinks are a signal of trust, and their source can have a significant impact on your ranking position.
If the links come from well-known and reputable websites, your ranking will improve.
If the links are paid, in article directories, link farms, or are the result of an exchange, your ranking will suffer.
Obtaining links in this manner is against Google’s guidelines and will almost certainly result in a Google Penalty.
What can you do to increase your link count?
That is an excellent question, and I am sure you will find hundreds of different responses if you search the Internet for that phrase.
While this article discusses how to approach link building, your primary focus should be on how to create high-quality content for your website.
Natural links from high-quality content will result in higher rankings and traffic.
If you attempt to purchase links or obtain them in an unorthodox manner, you may achieve temporary success only to see your website disappear from the top pages following the next Google update.
What is the most effective method for learning how SEO works?
The most effective method of learning how SEO works is to practise it.
Apart from mastering the various concepts and theories, the only way to determine whether what you’ve learned is effective is to implement the various SEO techniques on a website and monitor your rankings.
If your rankings and organic traffic are improving, you are on the right track. Otherwise, your SEO strategy and action plan will need to be revised.
How to Rank Higher on Google in 15 Simple Steps
1.Select the Appropriate Keywords
Keyword research is a critical component of SEO. This should be your first priority if you want to learn how to start a blog. It lays the groundwork for your optimization, and you cannot afford to get it wrong.
By selecting the appropriate keywords, you can assist Google in determining the subject matter of your content. This increases the likelihood of your articles appearing in search results.
Here are some suggestions for selecting the appropriate keywords.
Concentrate on a single keyword per article: Concentrating on a single keyword per article enables you to laser-target your article for that keyword.
When publishing content, the All in One SEO plugin allows you to specify a focus keyword. Then, it evaluates how well your keyword is optimised and provides actionable suggestions for improvement.
To succeed in SEO, you must first understand user intent and then target keywords based on it.
What does the phrase “user intent” mean?
Simply put, it refers to what the searcher is looking for and anticipating when they conduct a Google search for those words.
For instance, if your blog sells cat t-shirts, you’ll want to rank for terms like buy cat t-shirt, purchase cat t-shirt, and so on. This way, users looking to purchase your product are more likely to come across your store.
If you’re an affiliate marketer, on the other hand, you can target keywords such as best cat t-shirts, compare cat t-shirts, and so on.
2.Focus On Keywords With Low Difficulty
Keyword difficulty is a critical metric to consider when selecting a keyword for your blog articles. The more difficult the keyword, the more fierce the competition and the more difficult it is to rank for.
When selecting keywords, the general rule of thumb is to choose those that have a reasonable volume of traffic but low competition.
To determine the difficulty of a keyword, you can either use a free tool such as AdWords Keyword Tool or a paid tool such as Ahrefs.
ahrefs keyword difficulty – Blog SEO
I prefer Ahrefs for keyword research because it highlights easy-to-rank keywords among my keyword ideas. Additionally, it provides information about the estimated number of clicks for the keywords.
On a scale of 1 to 100, Ahrefs assigns a difficulty rating to each keyword.
For instance, Ahrefs informs me that the keyword difficulty (KD) for the term “link building” is 77, which is a fairly competitive keyword to rank for. However, if you click on the questions tab, you will be presented with a list of keywords with a low KD.
For instance, the keyword best link building tools has a KD of 30, indicating that it is a relatively easy keyword to rank for.
3. Concentrate On Long-Tailed Keywords
Long Tail keywords are three or four-word phrases that are highly specific to the product or service you’re selling. Due to their low competition, they are generally easy to rank.
When a potential blog reader conducts a highly specific Google search, they typically know precisely what they’re looking for. And if you can create content that is relevant to that search intent, you will almost certainly rank highly!
You must incorporate these keywords into the appropriate areas of your content, such as the title, description, and subheadings.

Ahrefs can be used to identify potential long tail keywords. All you have to do is enter your keyword and then click on Questions on the left panel. It will provide you with a list of frequently asked questions / long tail keywords that are associated with your keyword.
The other method is to search for related Quora questions that rank in the top three on Google.
If a Quora thread is ranking on Google, it indicates that the keyword has low competition and is relatively easy to rank for.
To locate these threads, navigate to Ahrefs » Site Explorer. Introduce yourself to » Organic search terms » Filter by niche-related keywords » Filter results by positions 3 and below » Sort according to volume.
You’ll discover a list of keywords that rank in the top three positions on Google. All you need to do is address these points and watch the traffic pour in.
Now that you’ve compiled a list of potential keywords, let’s move on to the on-page optimization section. This is where you will utilise the keywords you discovered.
4.Incorporate your keyword phrases into the title and subheadings.
There is some correlation between title tag keywords and Google rankings.
Additionally, I recommend that you include your primary keyword and its variants in the heading tags of your content.
However, avoid stuffing your keywords in an attempt to manipulate your site’s ranking, as this can have a detrimental effect.
5.Compose Attractive Titles and Meta Descriptions
Did you know that Google uses the click through rate (CTR) of your page in the search result to determine your blog’s ranking? For instance, if your article is listed in the third position for a keyword and receives more clicks than the first, you will eventually move up to the second or first position!
To achieve a high CTR and maintain the top spot, you must write titles and descriptions that capture the searcher’s attention and entice them to click.
Bear in mind that you only have 55 characters for the title, so you should give it some thought before you write it.
There are a few things to keep in mind when writing your post’s SEO title and meta description.
Allow Google to cut off your title and description. You want the searcher to have a complete understanding of your content.
In the title and description, include your keyword. Never stuff keywords into your writing; instead, ensure that your writing sounds natural.
If you have All in One SEO installed on your WordPress site, you can easily add Meta descriptions and titles.
6.Convert Your Blog to a Responsive Design
Google indexes content first on mobile devices. That is, it considers your mobile site when determining how to rank it in search results, even if the search is conducted on a desktop computer.
That means it’s critical that your site is mobile-friendly, even if the majority of your traffic comes from desktops.
To accomplish this, you must choose a responsive WordPress theme.
There are numerous responsive WordPress themes available. You can instal one that you like on your blog.
7.Optimize for Snippets of Interest
If you want to maximise the exposure of your content, it’s a good idea to optimise your blog for featured snippets.
Prior to the first position, featured snippets are displayed, typically in a box with an image, video, or table. They stand out in search results, resulting in increased clicks.
This is how a featured snippet appears:

There are four distinct types of featured snippets:
- List
- Paragraphs (both numbered and bulleted)
- Video
- Table
Optimize your content for the featured snippet and you’ll increase your blog’s traffic.
8.Increase Traffic by Optimizing Your Images
Here’s a little-known fact that most bloggers are unaware of: Google Image Search can drive significant traffic to your blog if your images are optimised properly!
All that is required is that you add alt text to your images. To do so, simply click on your image and enter the alternative text in the field provided below.
how to include alternative text in a blog – Blog SEO
Include an appropriate description in the Alternative Text box so that Google understands the image’s purpose and can assist your potential readers in locating it when they conduct a Google image search.
Apart from an appropriate alt text, ensure that your image loads quickly. This can be accomplished through the use of a WordPress plugin called ShortPixel. This compresses your images and speeds up their loading time.
9. Ascertain That Your URLs Are User-Friendly
To ensure that your URLs are user-friendly, you must keep them short and descriptive.
If you’re just getting started, be sure to modify the default permalink structure to make your URL more concise and attractive.
Never use URLs containing special characters or dates. They lengthen and make them unnecessarily ugly.
10. Increase the load speed of Your Site
Page load speed is a ranking factor, which means that if you want to outrank your competition, you’ll need to speed up your pages.
Even if page load speed is not a ranking factor, it is critical if you are serious about providing the best possible service to your readers.
To optimise the speed of your website, navigate to Google Pagespeed Insights and enter your URL.
11.Page speed score – SEO for blogs
Examine the recommendations and take Google’s advice into account. This will significantly improve the page speed of your website.
Additionally, you can optimise your page speed by installing a caching plugin on your WordPress site. We utilise and recommend WP Rocket, one of the best available caching plugins.
Here are some of our suggestions to assist you.
Establish an Appropriate Content Hierarchy
What I mean by a proper content hierarchy is that you should structure your content in such a way that it is easy to navigate for your visitors and that Google understands the relative importance of each page.
Ascertain that each page on your site, particularly your important pages, is only a few clicks away from your home page. such as a landing page or pillar content.
Make use of your header and sidebars to direct visitors to your most important pages.
12.Install a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate on Your Website

I strongly advise you to switch to SSL immediately upon launching your blog. Switching to SSL enables your site to be accessed via HTTPs. Indeed, Google favours SSL-encrypted websites over unencrypted ones.
If your website does not have SSL installed, a warning Website is not secure message will appear on the left-hand side of your browser’s search bar.
Our guide contains additional information on how to implement SSL on your website.
13. Use Google Search Console to submit a sitemap
Submitting a sitemap assists Google in comprehending the structure of your blog and in crawling all of your pages.
Google will eventually discover any website that is linked to from other websites on the internet. However, submitting a sitemap can assist you in ranking your site more quickly.
If you’re using the All in One SEO plugin, the plugin will automatically generate a sitemap file. You can submit your sitemap to Google by following this guide.
14. Eliminate Weak Content
Thin content is defined as any piece of content that contains less than 300 words. These types of content are typical of little to no value, and Google prefers significantly longer content.
To address this, either beef up the content or delete it entirely.
15.Acquire Reputable Backlinks
You cannot achieve a high ranking on Google unless you have high-quality backlinks. However, before I discuss how to obtain high-quality backlinks, I want to address why you require them.
Google’s search engine results page (SERPS) currently indexes 130 trillion web pages. To achieve a higher ranking on Google, you need backlinks that act as authority votes.
Numerous studies indicate an inverse relationship between the number of referring domains and higher rankings.
If you obtain backlinks from a greater number of referring domains, this will assist you in climbing the rankings, but how do you determine how many are sufficient? The simplest way to determine this is to use an SEO tool such as Ahrefs, SEMRush, or any other tool that displays the number of referring domains your competitors have for a particular keyword.
As an example, consider a keyword for which you rank that has a high keyword difficulty and an average of 90 referring domains. To compete for that keyword, you’ll need at least 90 unique backlinks from high-quality domains.
However, backlinks alone will not guarantee that you will rank on the first page of Google. Google’s algorithms are intricate; there are over 200 rankings in the Google algorithm that assist it in determining which page to reward.
Getting a new website, or any website, to rank organically is a difficult task. To achieve positive results, you’ll need a strong content marketing strategy and a lot of patience.
16. Develop an Effective Link Building Strategy
The days of webmasters obtaining links from forums and web 2.0 sites using exact anchor texts are over. These links are worthless, and you will not succeed if you base your link building strategy on them.
A sound link-building strategy should place a premium on creating high-quality content, because let’s face it, no one will link to bad content.
Once you’re confident that your content is linkable, you can begin contacting influencers in your niche and requesting that they link back to it if they find it valuable.
There are numerous additional methods for obtaining backlinks. Among them are the following:
- Skyscraper construction technique
- Developing shattered links
- Post by a guest
- Reclamation of links
- Mentions of brands that are not connected
- Site for the community and establishment of links
- Repurposing and syndication of content
- Paid promotion via public relations firms
17. Improve the User Experience on Your Website

A positive user experience is directly related to achieving a higher organic search ranking and traffic. The user experience is determined by a variety of factors. For example, a user may arrive on your website via a search query for the best keto diet. If your page is poorly designed or lacks pertinent information, the user will click the back button to return to the search results.
Google and other search engines will interpret this as an indication that your webpage lacks relevant information and will relegate you to the bottom of the rankings.
There are numerous ways to enhance your user experience. I’ve listed a few of them below.
Optimize your page speed: Don’t you despise it when a website takes what seems like an eternity to load? Everybody does; if you want users to stay on your website, make sure it loads quickly.
Satisfy the search intent: As the owner of a website, it is your responsibility to ensure that the information on your site is accurate and reliable. Anything less than optimal will result in an increase in your bounce rate; a bounce occurs when a user leaves your website without engaging. Examine the search results for which you are optimising and determine whether your web page matches the search intent.
Make it simple to navigate your site: Internal links that point to relevant articles will aid users in navigating your website. Simply be cautious not to link excessively, as this may result in information overload. Internal linking improves your bounce rate and is also considered a good on-page SEO practice because it can aid in page rank improvement.
18. Optimise for local search
Local SEO is critical for small businesses operating on a regional scale. Optimizing for local search results will help your local business achieve higher rankings on Google, more leads, and more conversions.
How do you optimise your website for local search?
Create a Google my business account; this is one of the most effective SEO strategies for achieving first page rankings on Google maps.
Collect positive customer reviews; this will not only help your site rank higher but will also lend you much-needed credibility. You can then use social media to promote your five-star rating and attract new customers.
Utilize keyword tools such as Google’s keyword planner to identify relevant keywords that your prospective customers are searching for. This will enable you to stay ahead of the competition, as you will be able to respond to their inquiries before your competitors.
Your content should cover local news and events; almost every digital marketing expert will emphasise the importance of blogging for ranking purposes. However, when optimising for local search, your piece of content should focus exclusively on local events. This keeps your site relevant and does not drive away potential customers.
We hope you’ve found our SEO guide to be beneficial. Now it’s up to you to put these into action to the best of your ability.
Bear in mind that following these tips will not automatically elevate you to the first position. When it comes to blogger SEO, patience is required. Simply ensure that you document all changes and track the performance of your SEO strategy.
Things change rapidly in SEO, but as long as you adhere to the fundamentals, you can still achieve success!
Originally posted 2021-06-08 06:47:42.
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