Life after death has kept people spinning for the quest. People have been conditioned to perceive death as a conclusion to the experience of life throughout history and throughout cultures. Life after death is a cyclical system in which one follows the other. This is such a contentious issue that there is no clear conclusion or answer that will quench the thirst for an answer to the unanswered question of whether there is one ie After death existence.

Advances in resuscitation science and critical care medicine, on the other hand, have cast doubt on the finality of death. , He recently spoke to the New York Academy of Sciences on his resuscitation science research as the Director of the Critical Care & Resuscitation Research Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center. Dr Parnia’s work elucidates how death is a process rather than an absolute, and what happens when patients experience death, as he explains in his own words:
What exactly is death?
When the heart stops beating, death occurs. This is known as death by cardiopulmonary criteria, and it is how more than 95 percent of individuals die. All life processes come to a halt when a person ceases breathing and their brain shuts down. Doctors like myself can now maintain a patient’s heart beating longer because to the development of contemporary intensive care medicine and the ability to artificially keep people’s hearts beating.
People who have experienced irreparable brain injury and brain death may find themselves in a scenario where their brain has died but their heart continues to beat, in which case they are legally proclaimed dead based on irreversible brain death, or death by brain death criteria. This occurs in only a small percentage of people who are proclaimed dead.
For millennia, death was thought to be an irreversible event that could not be reversed. We’ve discovered in the last decade that the cells inside a person’s body, including the brain, begin their own dying process only after they’ve perished. We used to think that if you didn’t get enough oxygen, your brain cells would die in five or ten minutes, but we now know that’s not true.
After death, you have hours, if not days, before your brain and other organs are irrevocably destroyed. It’s the reintroduction of oxygen and blood flow into organs after a person’s heart has stopped but been resuscitated that causes rapid cell death. So, in medicine, we must now tackle this faster secondary damage process.
Life after Death- A near death experience
The issue with this word is that it does not accurately reflect what people actually go through. It is vague and nonspecific. What does it indicate if I say “an aeroplane was involved in a near-miss incident”? Were you able to get another plane within an inch of the first, or were they a mile away? The word is vague because it fails to account for the fact that many people have biologically died and then returned.
“If they create pain, even if they don’t understand it at the time, they feel the same pain as the other person. They are the ones who judge themselves. They immediately understand why their behaviours were good or terrible, and many claims to be able to perceive the long-term effects of their activities.”– Dr. Sam Parnia, Ph.D.

Confirming Life After Death
I refer to it as a “death experience” because that is exactly what it is. When it comes to death, people report having a one-of-a-kind cognitive experience. They may have the impression of seeing their body and physicians and nurses attempting to resuscitate them, yet they are at ease while watching. Some people claim to have come to the understanding that they may have died.
Later on, they develop the sense or sensation of being drawn to a specific location. They assess their lives from birth to death during the experience, and this review is based on their humanity, which is interesting.
They don’t evaluate their lives in terms of what most people aspire to, such as a successful career, promotions, or a fantastic vacation. Their point of view is centred on their humanity. They notice instances in which they lacked dignity, acted inappropriately toward others or acted with humanity and tenderness on the other hand.
They re-experience and relive these events, but what’s even more fascinating, and something that baffles me because I don’t know how to express it, is that they also describe these experiences from the perspective of the other person.
If they create suffering, even if they aren’t aware of it at the moment, they will feel the same pain as the other person. They are the ones who judge themselves. They suddenly understand why their actions were good or terrible, and many claims to be able to see the long-term effects of their actions.
What Researches Say For Life After Death
Traditionally, scholars have assumed that structured brain activity produces mind or consciousness — our self. Nobody has ever demonstrated how brain cells, which make proteins, can produce something so distinct, such as thoughts or consciousness. Surprisingly, no viable biological mechanism has ever been offered to explain this.
Some researchers have recently begun to speculate that your mind, awareness, psyche, or whatever it is that makes you, may not be formed by the brain. It’s possible that the brain is more of a middleman. It’s hardly a novel concept. They claim that there is no evidence that brain cells or brain cell connections produce your thoughts, mind, or awareness.
It’s baffling and counterintuitive that people appear to have complete consciousness, coherent well-structured mental processes, and memory development from a period when their brains are very damaged or nonfunctional.
I agree that this raises the possibility that the brain does not form the entity we name mind or awareness. It’s entirely plausible that there’s another layer of reality that we haven’t uncovered yet, one that is fundamentally beyond what we understand about the brain and defines our reality.
As a result, I believe consciousness could be a yet-to-be-discovered scientific reality that isn’t always caused by synaptic activity in the brain.
After life
We’ve all pondered the age-old question, “Why are we born?” or “What is the meaning of afterlife?” or “What is the purpose of life?” We may have our own point of view on things, but it isn’t always from a spiritual standpoint. The two most common motivations for our birth are to finish our give-and-take accounts with various people and to advance spiritually in order to achieve God-realization. We are freed from the cycle of birth and death when we combine with God.
But what happens if we stay in this circle beyond death? Is there a life after death? There was a varying time lag between an individual’s death and his next reincarnation on Earth, according to various reincarnation cases. Numerous documented occurrences of past life experiences obviously point to an afterlife. So, until our next reincarnation, where do we go in the afterlife? Is there a single plane of existence or are there multiple planes of existence, some of which are positive and some of which are negative?
After Death
What are the factors that influence where we go once we die? Does our spiritual level, merits and demerits, influence the plane we go to in the afterlife? We’ll answer all of these questions and more in the coming posts. These answers come from spiritual studies conducted by Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) seekers who have a highly developed sixth sense (ESP).
Numerous cases of past life experiences have been documented and examined, indicating that there is life after death. Various institutes have conducted studies into the afterlife, near-death experiences, and consciousness after death, and have discovered evidence that life continues after death. There have been numerous cases of near-death experiences in which people have experienced encounters with the hereafter, such as “seeing the light” or “meeting” their departed loved ones. There was a varying time lag after death and before the next birth on Earth in all of the reported examples of reincarnation.
So, what happens after we die till we reincarnate on Earth? What does life in the afterlife entail? Is there a single plane of existence, or are there several? If that’s the case, what criteria determine where we go after we die? The solutions to these and other concerns about life after death are presented in this article. These answers come from spiritual studies conducted by Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) seekers who have a highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

1. What occurs once a person dies?
According to spiritual study, man is made up of the following four basic bodies:
Supracausal or subtle ego Physical Mental Causal or intellectual
The image below is a diagrammatic illustration of what makes up a human person.

Courtesy: Spiritual Science Research Foundation.
When a person dies, his or her physical body vanishes. The rest of existence or consciousness, on the other hand, persists. The subtle body (linga-dha) is the person’s existence outside of the physical body, and it consists of the mental, causal (intellect), and supra causal (subtle ego) bodies. This subtle body then travels to one of the 13 subtle realms of existence other than the Earth plane in the afterlife.
2. After death, there are 14 other planes of existence in the universe.
In the Universe, there are 14 major planes of existence. There are seven positive ones and seven negative ones. Hell (Ptl) is the collective name for the seven negative realms. Within these main planes, there are various sub-planes.
Righteousness (Dharma), according to an advanced Saint from India, Adi Shankaracharya (8th – 9th century AD), is that which achieves the three responsibilities of:
Keeping the social system in good working order
Bringing about the worldly advancement of all living beings, as well as spiritual advancement.- Adi Shankaracharya (Sri Adi Shankaracharya)
There are seven positive levels of existence: They are also known as the seven positive areas or saptalok because they are usually occupied by living humans and subtle bodies after death who do good deeds and engage in spiritual practise according to the positive path of spiritual practice. By positive route, we imply that spiritual practice is oriented toward God-realization, which is the pinnacle of spiritual development.
The Earth plane is the Universe’s only physical plane of existence, as well as the first in the hierarchy of positive planes.
Seven Negative Planes of Existence:
These are usually occupied by subtle bodies that have done unjust deeds and are practising spirituality on the negative path after death. By negative route, we mean that spiritual practice is geared at gaining spiritual strength, such as supernatural abilities. This spiritual power is primarily employed to increase one’s influence over others or to harm others. As a result, any subtle bodies that travel to any of Hell’s planes of existence become ghosts due to their bad intentions.
Sub-planes of Hell (Narak): Each region of Hell has a Narak sub-plane. The first level of Hell, for example, will contain a sub-plane known as the first Narak. Narak is a place in Hell where the worst ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, and so on) are kept. The spirits who occupy the first Narak are punished more severely and for a longer period of time than those who occupy the first level of Hell.
The 14 planes of existence in the Universe are depicted in the diagram below.

Courtesy: Spiritual Science Research Foundation.
Analysis From the Above
1. Though we have displayed the planes of existence one on top of the other in this figure for simplicity’s sake, they are actually all around us in all directions. It’s only that Earth is the physically observable plane, whereas the other planes get increasingly subtle and so undetectable to the naked sight. In truth, when living on the Earth plane, different people have thoughts and feelings that correspond to other levels depending on their spiritual degree or thoughts.
Saints, for example, are spiritually evolved humans who have progressed above the 70% spiritual level and live in the positive planes of existence of Heaven and beyond. A person contemplating stealing, on the other hand, has ideas that match to the 1st plane of Hell, a person preparing an act intended to injure others to the 2nd plane of Hell, and so on. A person preparing a murder has ideas that are similar to those of the 7th dimension of Hell. However, no two planes may be experienced at the same time, i.e., a person cannot have thoughts from two different planes, such as Heaven and Patallok.
2. To be specific, the Nether area (Bhuvarlok) is a location that is positioned away from God. However, we depicted it as a good plane because subtle bodies from this region have the opportunity to be born on Earth and advance spiritually after death.
Once subtle bodies have regressed to any of Hell’s zones, there is a remote chance that they will be born on Earth and move towards God.
An explanation of the colour scheme that was employed
Earth is portrayed in a crimson hue because it signifies action (i.e. the subtle basic Raja component) and is the only level where humans have a physical body to do something.
The colour pink has been used to symbolise an abundance of happiness in heaven.
Yellow denotes spiritual awareness and a rise in the subtle basic Sattva component. At the greatest stage, it turns virtually white, symbolising the close approach to the unmanifest God principle.
As the faint basic Tama component increases, the regions of Hell are depicted by darker shades of black.
What factors determine where we go once we die?
As the physical body becomes inactive upon death, the essential energy required for the physical body’s functioning is released into the Universe. At the time of death, this vital energy pulls the subtle body away from the Earth region. Similarly to how the weight of a projectile determines how far a rocket will travel, the weight of the subtle body determines which plane of existence it will travel to after death.
The amount of the subtle basic Tama component in our being determines the ‘weight’ of the subtle body.
The three basic components are as follows: Each of us is formed up of three guys, or subtle basic components. These elements are spiritual in nature and cannot be seen, but they are what make us who we are. They are as follows:
Sattva: means “purity” and “wisdom.”
Raja: action and enthusiasm.
Tama: Inertia and ignorance
The more Raja and Tama components we have, the more we exhibit the following characteristics, which add to our “weight” and influence which subtle zone we move to after death:
Selfishness and attachment to earthly things are on the rise.
Unfulfilled desires are increasing.
Retaliation feelings
A large number of demerits or wrongdoings
A greater number of personality flaws, such as wrath, greed, and fear, are present.
A huge level of ego: (When we talk about ego, we’re talking about how much a person identifies with his body, mind, and intellect rather than the soul within.)
As a result, the spiritual level is lowered.
Only continuous spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice can result in a permanent reduction in the proportion of the subtle basic Tama component and the accompanying characteristics stated above, which will aid us in our existence after death. Self-help books or attempting to be kind can only provide a superficial and transient improvement in one’s mental state.
The importance of one’s mental state at death
Apart from what has already been stated, the mental condition at the time of death is crucial. The proportion of the subtle basic components in our existence is often related to our mental state.
When a person is conducting his spiritual practice at the time of death, such as chanting the Name of God, the influence of wants, attachments, ghosts and other entities is low compared to when he is not chanting. His subtle body becomes lighter as a result of this. As a result, if he dies while chanting, he achieves a higher plane of existence in life after death among the sub-planes than he would have if he died without chanting.

If a person is chanting the Name of God and surrendering to God’s will at the time of death, he ascends to an even higher plane of existence in his life beyond death, and his sojourn is completed at rapid speed. This is due to the fact that a person who is in a condition of surrender on Earth has a very low possibility of growing his ego in life beyond death. In addition, his evolved spiritual advisor is responsible for his overall well-being in the hereafter (Guru).
The aforementioned information about the many planes of existence gives us a good sense of the possible ramifications of our actions in life after death. Only via the spiritual practice or extremely meritorious deeds can one ascend to the more subtle regions, avoiding unhappiness and punishment and allowing one to experience higher levels of enjoyment in life after death. In conditions that are favourable to spiritual practice, there are also increased odds of rebirth on the Earth plane. This is done so that one can progress higher in the Universe’s subtle realms. People are less likely to ascend to higher planes of existence after death as we progress farther into the current Era of Strife (Kaliyug).
We linger in the lower subtle planes after death, such as the Nether region or other parts of Hell, and suffer great sadness for decades until we fully pay for our demerits (sins) by experiencing the horrific penalties meted out there and are given the opportunity to be reincarnated on Earth.
It’s like swimming against the flow in the current era to undertake consistent spiritual practice on the Earth plane of existence according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice. It is, nonetheless, a certain technique of progressing to higher subtle zones in our lives beyond death.
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Originally posted 2021-10-18 05:10:21.
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